1.
Saying
goodbye
to
this
city
always
feels
bittersweet,
but
know
it's
time
for
me
to
move
on.
【GoodbyeShenyang】
2.
It's
hard
to
put
into
words
how
much
this
city
has
meant
to
me,
but
I'm
grateful
for
all
the
memories
have
here.
【FarewellShenyang】
3.
As
pack
my
bags
and
say
farewell
to
Shenyang,
I'm
reminded
of
all
the
people
I've
met
and
the
experiences
I've
had
here.
【LeavingShenyang】
4.
There's
something
special
about
this
city
that
keeps
drawing
me
back,
but
for
now,
it's
time
to
say
goodbye.
【MissingShenyang】
5.
My
time
in
Shenyang
has
taught
me
so
much
about
myself
and
the
world
around
me,
and
I'll
never
forget
the
lessons
I've
learned
here.
【GoodbyeForNow】
6.
Leaving
Shenyang
is
bittersweet
-
I'll
miss
this
city,
but
I'm
excited
for
what's
next.
【OnwardAndUpward】
7.
It's
hard
to
imagine
life
without
the
comfort
of
Shenyang,
but
I'm
ready
for
the
challenges
that
await
me
elsewhere.
【NewAdventuresAhead】
8.
As
take
one
last
look
at
the
skyline
of
Shenyang,
I'm
reminded
of
all
the
dreams
had
when
arrived
here
-
and
all
the
dreams
I've
achieved.
【FarewellToMyDreamCity】
9.
There's
a
sadness
that
permeates
leaving
Shenyang,
but
at
the
same
time,
there's
also
a
sense
of
excitement
about
what
the
future
holds.
【GoodbyeSadnessHelloExcitement】
10.
I've
made
so
many
friendships
and
memories
in
Shenyang
that
will
stay
with
me
forever.
【MemoriesToCherish】
11.
Saying
goodbye
is
always
hard,
but
it's
also
a
reminder
of
how
much
I've
grown
and
changed
during
my
time
in
Shenyang.
【GoodbyeButNotForever】
12.
Leaving
Shenyang
feels
like
closing
a
chapter
in
my
life,
but
I'm
excited
to
flip
the
page
and
see
what's
next.
【NewChapterNewBeginnings】
13.
This
city
will
always
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart,
and
I'm
grateful
for
all
the
moments
of
joy
and
love
I've
experienced
here.
【GratefulForShenyang】
14.
It's
time
to
say
goodbye
to
Shenyang,
but
know
that
the
warmth
and
support
of
the
people
I've
met
here
will
stay
with
me
forever.
【FarewellAndThankYou】
15.
There's
a
certain
sadness
that
comes
with
leaving
Shenyang,
but
there's
also
a
sense
of
liberation
and
adventure.
【SayingGoodbyeToOldHabits】
16.
I'll
miss
the
food,
the
sights,
and
the
sounds
of
Shenyang,
but
most
of
all,
I'll
miss
the
people.
【ThankYouShenyang】
17.
Leaving
Shenyang
is
both
scary
and
exhilarating
-
but
I'm
ready
for
whatever
comes
my
way.
【OnwardsAndUpwards】
18.
Saying
goodbye
isn't
easy,
but
sometimes
it's
necessary
in
order
to
grow
and
thrive.
【FarewellShenyang】
19.
My
time
in
Shenyang
has
been
filled
with
challenges,
triumphs,
and
everything
in
between.
I'm
proud
of
all
I've
accomplished
here.
【ReflectingOnMyTimeInShenyang】
20.
As
wave
goodbye
to
Shenyang,
I'm
filled
with
a
sense
of
nostalgia,
but
also
with
a
sense
of
hope
for
the
future.
【GoodbyeShenyangHelloFuture】