.jpg)
1.
Living
life
to
the
fullest
means
taking
note
of
every
little
moment
that
makes
us
feel
truly
alive.
【记录点滴,感受人生之美】
2.
Memories
make
up
the
tapestry
of
our
lives,
and
each
fleeting
moment
woven
within
it
should
be
cherished
and
remembered.
【珍惜每一个瞬间,打造美丽人生】
3.
Time
passes
quickly,
and
once
it's
gone,
the
only
remnants
are
the
stories
we
tell.
【时间流逝无声,留下只是回忆和故事】
4.
life
well-lived
is
one
that's
filled
with
memories
worth
sharing
with
the
world.
【精彩人生,值得与人分享】
5.
The
secret
to
capturing
life's
moments
is
learning
to
appreciate
the
beauty
that
surrounds
us
and
then
cherishing
it
forever.
【美好的事物环绕我们,学会珍惜,记录永久】
6.
We
may
not
have
control
over
how
long
our
lives
last,
but
we
can
certainly
try
to
make
them
as
beautiful
and
memorable
as
possible.
【虽然生命有限,但精彩绝对无限】
7.
Keeping
a
record
of
our
lives
is
like
building
a
bridge
between
our
past,
present,
and
future
selves.
【记录人生,连接过去、现在和未来】
8.
When
we
document
our
lives,
we
create
a
kind
of
legacy
that
can
inspire
others
to
live
their
own
lives
to
the
fullest.
【记录人生,留下影响于世】
9.
The
moments
that
we
cherish
the
most
are
often
the
ones
that
we
least
expect,
so
don't
forget
to
keep
your
eyes
and
heart
open.
【珍爱最美好的瞬间,抓住每一个意外惊喜】
10.
It's
not
always
the
things
we
accomplish
that
make
our
lives
meaningful;
often,
it's
the
relationships
we
build
along
the
way.
【人生有意义,取决于那些与我们携手走过的人】
11.
Just
as
the
seasons
change,
so
do
our
lives;
documenting
these
changes
can
help
us
appreciate
the
beauty
in
all
stages
of
life.
【人生如四季变幻,记录人生变化,感受万物美好】
12.
The
only
thing
that
can
truly
last
beyond
our
lifetime
is
the
impact
we
have
on
others.
【影响他人,超越生命】
13.
It's
never
too
late
to
start
documenting
your
life;
every
moment
can
be
the
beginning
of
a
brand
new
story.
【记录人生,从此刻开始】
14.
Even
in
our
darkest
moments,
we
can
find
beauty
and
hope
if
we
look
hard
enough.
【发现美好,然后珍藏】
15.
There's
something
magical
about
going
back
and
reliving
memories
through
writing;
it
can
make
even
the
dullest
day
feel
special.
【用笔,重温回忆,人生平凡也变得独一无二】
16.
Documenting
our
lives
is
a
way
of
saying
to
the
universe,
"I
was
here,
and
mattered.
"
【记录人生,证明自己的存在和价值】
17.
Time
can
rob
us
of
even
our
most
cherished
memories,
but
writing
them
down
is
like
preserving
them
in
amber.
【时间所剩无几,将美好珍藏】
18.
Every
moment
of
life
is
worth
being
remembered,
even
the
painful
ones
that
we'd
rather
forget.
【生命中的每一个瞬间,都值得被记录。
即便是痛苦也不能留白】
19.
Life
is
full
of
twists
and
turns,
but
each
one
represents
an
opportunity
to
grow
and
learn.
【人生道路曲折,历经磨难,却获得成长和收获】
20.
Writing
down
our
thoughts
and
experiences
might
seem
like
a
small
thing,
but
the
impact
it
can
have
on
our
lives
and
the
lives
of
others
is
immeasurable.
【记录真实想法和经历,小小行动,巨大影响】