.jpg)
1.
Life
is
too
short
to
be
ordinary.
【#ForeverCool】
2.
Real
men
don't
follow
trends,
they
set
them.
【#Trendsetter】
3.
The
only
thing
cooler
than
a
leather
jacket
is
the
person
wearing
it.
【#LeatherLove】
4.
Style
is
a
way
to
say
who
you
are
without
having
to
speak.
【#FashionStatement】
5.
Confidence
is
the
key
to
unlocking
the
coolness
within.
【#BeConfident】
6.
Being
cool
isn't
about
fitting
in,
it's
about
standing
out.
【#StandOut】
7.
If
life
gives
you
lemons,
make
a
cool
lemonade.
【#LemonadeLife】
8.
Cool
guys
don't
dance
to
the
beat,
they
create
their
own
rhythm.
【#RhythmMasters】
9.
Success
is
cool,
but
the
journey
towards
it
is
even
cooler.
【#JourneyToSuccess】
10.
The
coolest
things
in
life
are
the
ones
that
make
you
feel
alive.
【#LiveLife】
11.
Being
cool
isn't
about
having
it
all,
it's
about
making
the
most
of
what
you
have.
【#MakeItCount】
12.
Coolness
is
a
state
of
mind,
not
a
state
of
wealth.
【#MindOverMoney】
13.
Being
cool
is
not
just
a
look,
it's
a
lifestyle.
【#CoolLife】
14.
The
coolest
guys
in
the
world
are
the
ones
who
stay
true
to
themselves.
【#StayTrue】
15.
Cool
guys
don't
brag
about
their
accomplishments,
they
let
their
actions
speak
for
themselves.
【#ActionsSpeakLouder】
16.
Coolness
is
not
something
you
can
buy,
it's
something
you
earn.
【#EarnYourCoolness】
17.
Life
is
boring
without
a
little
bit
of
risk
and
adventure.
【#AdventureTime】
18.
Cool
guys
don't
follow
rules,
they
make
their
own.
【#RuleBreakers】
19.
man's
style
is
a
reflection
of
his
personality.
【#PersonalityIsKey】
20.
Being
cool
isn't
about
being
perfect,
it's
about
being
authentic.
【#BeYourself】