.jpg)
1.
"When
my
team
goes
the
enemy
team
is
always
fed"
【#lolwoes】
2.
"I
swear
my
teammates
are
silver,
but
my
opponents
play
like
diamond"
【#unfairmatchmaking】
3.
"I
don't
always
win
in
League
of
Legends,
but
when
do,
it's
a
miracle"
【#leaguestruggles】
4.
"Can
someone
teach
my
support
how
to
ward?"
【#bronzeblunders】
5.
"I'm
pretty
sure
my
top
laner
is
a
bot"
【#leaguehumor】
6.
"Why
do
always
get
stuck
playing
against
Yasuo
mains?"
【#lolfrustrations】
7.
"I
thought
was
a
decent
player
until
started
playing
ranked"
【#humbled】
8.
"My
jungler
thinks
dragon
is
a
mythological
creature"
【#noobjectivesense】
9.
"I
need
a
break
from
League,
but
keep
coming
back
for
more
punishment"
【#leagueaddict】
10.
"Why
does
my
mid
laner
keep
feeding
the
enemy
Fizz?!"
【#leagueanger】
11.
"I
feel
like
I'm
playing
chess
while
everyone
else
is
playing
checkers"
【#overthinkinglol】
12.
"I
just
got
my
first
pentakill
and
no
one
was
there
to
witness
it"
【#leagueachievements】
13.
"I'm
starting
to
think
my
support
is
just
trying
to
get
me
killed"
【#canttrustanyone】
14.
"I
wish
they
would
add
a
'report
for
bad
attitude'
option"
【#leagueetiquette】
15.
"The
enemy
team
always
has
better
skin
game
than
us"
【#paytowinneverything】
16.
"Every
time
play
end
up
feeling
like
an
episode
of
'Survivor'"
【#lolsurvival】
17.
"I
can't
decide
which
is
worse,
playing
with
a
toxic
player
or
playing
with
no
communication
at
all"
【#leaguedilemmas】
18.
"I'm
pretty
sure
my
mid
laner
has
been
possessed
by
the
spirit
of
Faker"
【#leagueunderdogs】
19.
"I
finally
learned
how
to
jungle,
but
now
can
never
go
back
to
playing
anything
else"
【#leaguestrategy】
20.
"I
just
spent
three
hours
playing
League
and
still
have
no
idea
what
I'm
doing"
【#leaguecommitment】