.jpg)
1.
"Safety
always
comes
first,
so
always
wear
a
helmet
when
going
for
a
ride!"
【安全第一,骑行时一定要戴上头盔!
】
2.
"Yes,
the
helmet
may
mess
up
your
hair,
but
it's
better
than
having
messed
up
brains!"
【是的,头盔可能会把你的头发弄乱,但这总比大脑受损要好!
】
3.
"I
don't
always
ride,
but
when
do,
wear
a
helmet!"
【我并不经常骑行,但当我骑时,我会戴上头盔!
】
4.
"Helmets
aren't
just
for
looks,
they
can
save
your
life!"
【头盔不仅仅是为了好看,它们可以拯救你的生命!
】
5.
"A
helmet
is
a
small
price
to
pay
for
a
lifetime
of
protection!"
【戴上头盔是为了获得一生的保护,付出的代价微不足道!
】
6.
"Real
bikers
wear
helmets,
so
don't
be
a
foolish
rider!"
【真正的骑手会佩戴头盔,所以不要做一个愚蠢的骑手!
】
7.
"The
best
accessory
you
can
wear
on
a
bike
is
a
helmet!"
【在骑行时,你可以穿戴最好的配件就是头盔!
】
8.
"Not
wearing
a
helmet
is
not
a
sign
of
freedom,
it's
a
sign
of
stupidity!"
【不戴头盔并不是自由的标志,而是愚蠢的标志!
】
9.
"Protect
your
head
like
you
would
protect
your
heart!"
【像保护你的心脏一样保护你的头脑!
】
10.
"A
helmet
is
like
a
seatbelt
for
your
head!"
【头盔就像是你头部的安全带!
】
11.
"Don't
let
vanity
come
before
safety,
always
wear
a
helmet!"
【不要让虚荣心蒙蔽你的安全意识,戴上头盔!
】
12.
"You
may
not
look
cool,
but
you'll
look
even
less
cool
without
a
helmet
after
a
crash!"
【你可能看起来不太酷,但在撞车后不戴头盔会更不酷!
】
13.
"Helmets
save
lives,
plain
and
simple!"
【头盔可以简单明了地拯救生命!
】
14.
"There's
no
excuse
for
not
wearing
a
helmet,
protect
your
melon!"
【没有不戴头盔的借口,保护你的脑袋!
】
15.
"A
helmet
can't
prevent
accidents,
but
it
can
prevent
serious
injuries!"
【头盔不能防止事故,但它可以防止严重的伤害!
】
16.
"You're
never
too
cool
to
wear
a
helmet,
and
you're
never
too
old
to
learn
that
lesson!"
【你永远不会太酷而不戴头盔,也永远不会太老而不学会这个教训!
】
17.
"Ride
like
you're
invincible,
but
always
wear
a
helmet
just
in
case!"
【骑行时可大胆行事,但为了安全起见,一定要戴上头盔!
】
18.
"A
helmet
is
not
a
burden,
it's
a
necessity!"
【头盔不是负担,而是必需品!
】
19.
"The
best
way
to
avoid
a
head
injury
is
to
wear
a
helmet
every
time
you
ride!"
【避免头部受伤的最佳方式就是每次骑行时都戴上头盔!
】
20.
"Wearing
a
helmet
is
not
just
a
wise
decision,
it's
a
responsible
one
too!"
【戴上头盔不仅是明智的决定,也是负责的决定!
】