.jpg)
1.
"Our
appetites
are
not
just
for
food,
but
for
life
itself.
"
【食欲不仅仅是为了食物,更是为了生命本身。
】
2.
"The
aroma
of
fresh
bread
can
arouse
a
hunger
for
something
more
meaningful
in
life.
"
【新鲜面包的香气能唤起对生命中更有意义事物的渴望。
】
3.
"Good
food
is
the
foundation
of
a
happy,
healthy
life.
"
【美食是幸福、健康生活的基础。
】
4.
"Appetizers
tease
our
taste
buds
with
the
promise
of
what
is
to
come.
"
【开胃菜用未来美食的承诺挑逗我们的味蕾。
】
5.
"A
hearty
meal
can
fill
the
stomach,
but
a
fulfilling
life
nourishes
the
soul.
"
【一顿丰盛的饭菜可以填饱肚子,但充实的生活可以滋养灵魂。
】
6.
"Hunger
is
the
driving
force
behind
our
search
for
sustenance
and
fulfillment.
"
【饥饿是我们寻求滋养和满足的推动力。
】
7.
"The
joy
of
cooking
and
sharing
a
meal
with
loved
ones
is
one
of
life's
greatest
pleasures.
"
【烹饪并与所爱之人共享美食的乐趣是生活中最大的享受之一。
】
8.
"Food
is
not
just
fuel
for
our
bodies,
but
a
source
of
comfort
and
connection.
"
【食物不仅是身体的燃料,也是舒适和联结的源泉。
】
9.
"A
meal
should
be
savored
slowly,
allowing
each
flavor
to
dance
across
our
tongues.
"
【一顿饭应该慢慢品尝,让每种味道在我们的舌尖上跳舞。
】
10.
"The
desire
for
food
may
be
primal,
but
the
appreciation
of
its
beauty
is
a
distinctly
human
trait.
"
【对食物的渴望可能是原始的,但对其美感的欣赏却是人类的独特品质。
】
11.
"The
pleasure
of
a
good
meal
is
amplified
when
shared
with
others.
"
【一顿美好的餐点的乐趣,在与他人共享时倍增。
】
12.
"Food
is
a
universal
language
that
brings
people
of
all
cultures
together.
"
【食物是一种能够将来自不同文化背景的人们聚集在一起的普遍语言。
】
13.
"The
aroma
of
spices
and
herbs
can
transport
us
to
far-off
lands
and
beloved
memories.
"
【香料和草药的香气可以将我们带到遥远的土地和心爱的回忆。
】
14.
"The
sound
of
sizzling
and
the
sight
of
steam
rising
from
a
hot
meal
are
a
feast
for
the
senses.
"
【即将上桌的饭菜发出的咕噜声和热气扑鼻的景象都是一种感官盛宴。
】
15.
"The
art
of
cooking
brings
both
creativity
and
discipline
to
our
lives.
"
【烹饪艺术为我们的生活带来创造力和纪律性。
】
16.
"A
well-prepared
meal
is
an
expression
of
love
and
care
for
ourselves
and
those
around
us.
"
【精心制作的一顿饭是对我们自己和身边的人的爱和关怀的表达。
】
17.
"The
anticipation
of
a
delicious
meal
can
be
almost
as
satisfying
as
the
meal
itself.
"
【对美味佳肴的期待几乎和餐点本身一样令人满足。
】
18.
"The
act
of
sharing
food
with
others
is
a
powerful
symbol
of
community
and
connection.
"
【与他人分享食物的举动是社区和连接的有力象征。
】
19.
"A
balanced
diet
nourishes
the
body
and
mind,
leading
to
a
happier,
healthier
life.
"
【均衡饮食滋养身心,从而过上更幸福、健康的生活。
】
20.
"The
beauty
of
food
is
not
simply
in
its
appearance,
but
in
the
memories
and
emotions
it
evokes.
"
【食物的美丽不仅在于其外表,更在于它唤起的回忆和情感。
】