1.
The
most
important
thing
is
not
how
high
you
jump,
but
how
high
you
can
fall
and
land
safely.
最重要的是你跳得有多高,重要的是你如何落地,以确保安全。
2.
The
world
is
not
always
fair,
but
it's
always
kind.
世界并不总是公平的,但它总是温柔的。
3.
You
can't
connect
two
dots
looking
forward
from
one
line.
You
can
only
connect
two
dots
looking
down
from
a
second
line.
人生之路不是向前展望,而是从当下出发,连线。
4.
Don't
give
up
on
yourself
just
because
someone
else
may
not
be
able
to
help
you.
不要因为别人无法帮助你而放弃自己。
5.
If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together.
如果你想要走得快,一个人走;如果你想要走得远,一起走。
6.
The
future
is
not
where
you
are
right
now.
It's
where
you're
going
to
be
when
you're
not
where
you
are
right
now.未来不是你现在所处的位置,而是你未来将会去的地方。
7.
The
best
way
to
learn
a
new
skill
is
to
practice
every
day
for
the
first
few
weeks.
学习新技能的最好方法是每天练习,最初几周内。
8.
Every
time
you
feel
like
giving
up,
remember
that
you've
been
where
you
are
now
before.
每一次想要放弃的时候,记得自己曾经也是这样吗。
9.
If
you
want
to
make
a
change
in
the
world,
you
have
to
make
a
change
in
yourself.如果你想要改变世界,先要改变自己。
10.
The
most
dangerous
thing
in
life
is
not
failure
but
a
fear
of
failure.
生命中最危险的事情不是失败,而是害怕失败。
11.
Start
where
you
are.
Use
what
you
have.
Do
what
you
can.
就地开始,用你所有的,做你所能做的。
12.
Imagination
is
more
important
than
knowledge.
想象力比知识更重要。
13.
Sometimes
all
you
need
is
just
one
more
try.
有时候,你需要再试一次。
14.
The
only
way
to
get
to
the
top
is
to
work
hard
and
be
passionate.
只有努力和热情才能让你攀登高峰。
15.
Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
you
never
know
what
you're
gonna
get.
生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。