.jpg)
1.
"I
understand
that
you're
upset,
but
there's
no
need
to
be
rude.
"
【理解你生气了,但无需这样粗鲁。
】
2.
"I'm
sorry
that
you
feel
that
way,
but
can
we
please
talk
about
this
in
a
civilized
manner?"
【很抱歉你有这种感受,但我们能否以文明的方式谈论这件事呢?】
3.
"I
don't
appreciate
the
way
you're
speaking
to
me
right
now,
let's
take
a
step
back
and
try
to
come
to
a
solution
together.
"
【我不喜欢你现在对我说话的方式,让我们退后一步,一起寻找解决办法。
】
4.
"If
you're
not
willing
to
listen
to
my
side
of
things,
then
there's
really
no
point
in
continuing
this
conversation.
"
【如果你不想听听我的想法,那么继续谈下去也没什么意义了。
】
5.
"I
understand
that
we
may
have
different
opinions
on
the
matter,
but
let's
respect
each
other's
views
and
find
a
compromise.
"
【我理解我们在这个问题上可能有不同的看法,但让我们尊重彼此的观点,寻找一个妥协吧。
】
6.
"I
refuse
to
engage
in
this
conversation
if
it's
going
to
be
filled
with
insults
and
hostility.
"
【如果这个对话充满了侮辱和敌对情绪,我拒绝参与。
】
7.
"Let's
take
a
break
and
come
back
to
this
topic
when
we're
both
calm
and
collected.
"
【让我们休息一下,等我们都冷静下来再回来讨论这个话题。
】
8.
"I
appreciate
your
input,
but
please
refrain
from
attacking
me
personally.
"
【我感谢你的意见,但请不要攻击我个人。
】
9.
"I
don't
appreciate
the
silent
treatment,
please
tell
me
what's
bothering
you
so
we
can
work
through
this
together.
"
【我不喜欢这种沉默的处理方式,请告诉我你心里在想些什么,我们一起解决这个问题。
】
10.
"It's
not
okay
to
ignore
my
messages
and
calls,
we
need
to
communicate
in
order
to
work
things
out.
"
【忽略我的信息和电话是不好的,我们需要交流来解决问题。
】
11.
"If
you
want
to
talk
about
something,
please
do
so
directly
rather
than
dropping
subtle
hints
or
making
passive-aggressive
comments.
"
【如果你想谈论某些事情,请直接说出来,而不是暗示或间接表达。
】
12.
"I
understand
that
you're
under
a
lot
of
stress,
but
taking
it
out
on
me
is
not
the
solution.
"
【我理解你面临很多压力,但把它发泄在我身上并不是解决办法。
】
13.
"Let's
work
together
to
find
a
solution
instead
of
placing
blame
on
each
other.
"
【让我们一起找到解决办法,而不是互相指责。
】
14.
"I
will
not
tolerate
being
treated
with
disrespect,
please
communicate
with
me
in
a
respectful
manner.
"
【我不会容忍受到不尊重的对待,请尊重地与我交流。
】
15.
"If
you
have
an
issue
with
me,
please
bring
it
up
to
me
directly
rather
than
talking
behind
my
back.
"
【如果你对我有什么问题,请直接告诉我,而不要背后说我坏话。
】
16.
"Ignoring
me
will
not
make
the
problem
go
away,
let's
tackle
it
together.
"
【忽略我不会让问题消失,让我们一起解决它。
】
17.
"Please
don't
make
assumptions
about
my
thoughts
or
feelings,
ask
me
directly
if
you
want
to
know.
"
【请不要猜测我想法或感受,如果你想知道,请直接问我。
】
18.
"I
won't
engage
in
a
conversation
if
it's
full
of
negativity
and
complaints,
let's
focus
on
finding
a
positive
solution.
"
【如果对话充满了消极和抱怨,我不会参与,让我们着眼于找到积极的解决方法。
】
19.
"I
appreciate
constructive
feedback,
but
please
refrain
from
tearing
me
down
with
criticism.
"
【我感谢建设性的反馈,但请不要用批评来打击我。
】
20.
"Let's
work
on
communication
skills
together
so
that
we
can
avoid
misunderstandings
and
conflicts
in
the
future.
"
【让我们一起增强交流技巧,这样我们以后就可以避免误解和冲突了。
】