.jpg)
1.
“Finally
found
someone
who
can
tolerate
my
terrible
sense
of
humor,
I’m
getting
married!”
【笑哭】
2.
“Being
single
was
fun,
but
I’m
ready
to
share
my
dad
jokes
with
someone
special
forever”
【开心】
3.
“I’m
getting
married
because
need
someone
to
laugh
at
my
jokes,
even
when
they’re
not
funny”
【微笑】
4.
“I
promised
to
love,
honor,
and
entertain
her
with
my
bad
puns
for
the
rest
of
my
life”
【捂脸】
5.
“Life
is
too
short
not
to
marry
someone
who
appreciates
your
memes”
【大笑】
6.
“I’m
not
just
marrying
her,
I’m
marrying
into
her
family’s
never-ending
supply
of
dad
jokes”
【眨眼】
7.
“I
finally
found
someone
who
can
keep
up
with
my
sarcastic
comments
and
witty
comebacks”
【发怒】
8.
“I’m
getting
married
because
need
someone
to
proofread
my
terrible
jokes
before
post
them
on
social
media”
【打哈欠】
9.
“Instead
of
a
traditional
wedding
cake,
we’re
having
a
donut
wall
with
punny
flavors
like
‘glaze
of
our
lives’
and
‘holy
moley’”
【哈哈哈】
10.
“I’m
pretty
sure
the
only
reason
she’s
marrying
me
is
so
she
can
have
someone
to
groan
at
her
puns”
【抠鼻】
11.
“I’m
marrying
someone
whose
laugh
is
as
ridiculous
as
mine,
and
couldn’t
be
happier”
【心动】
12.
“I’m
getting
married
because
need
someone
to
share
my
love
of
dad
jokes
and
Dr.
Pepper”
【喜极而泣】
13.
“I
can’t
wait
to
spend
the
rest
of
my
life
making
my
wife
roll
her
eyes
at
my
terrible
jokes”
【太棒了】
14.
“My
fiancé
thinks
I’m
funny,
but
I’m
pretty
sure
he’s
just
saying
that
to
be
polite”
【耍赖】
15.
“We’re
having
a
‘punny’
wedding
hashtag,
because
why
not
make
everyone
groan
at
our
jokes?”
【切~~】
16.
“I’m
marrying
someone
who
knows
all
the
memes
and
is
just
as
obsessed
with
cat
videos
as
am”
【宠溺】
17.
“Before
met
my
fiancé,
thought
was
the
funniest
person
knew.
Now
I’ve
got
some
competition”
【觉得自豪】
18.
“I’m
marrying
someone
whose
laughter
is
contagious,
and
can’t
wait
to
hear
it
every
day
for
the
rest
of
my
life”
【开放】
19.
“I’m
pretty
sure
my
fiancé
is
only
marrying
me
because
he
wants
to
be
a
part
of
my
dad
joke
club”
【吓人】
20.
“We’re
not
just
getting
married,
we’re
forming
a
comedic
duo
that
will
take
the
world
by
storm”
【震撼】