.jpg)
1.
"Misunderstandings
breed
mistrust,
but
communication
can
clear
the
air
and
bring
love
back.
"
【解除误会,重塑信任,关键在于沟通。
】
2.
"Assuming
the
worst
without
seeking
clarification
only
leads
to
unnecessary
pain
and
heartache.
"
【不开口问清楚,只会导致不必要的痛苦和伤心。
】
3.
"Words
left
unsaid
can
create
a
void
that
even
the
most
intense
feelings
cannot
fill.
"
【未说出口的话语会在心中留下空白,即使再强烈的感受也填补不了。
】
4.
"Doubts
and
second-guessing
can
poison
a
once-healthy
relationship,
but
honesty
and
transparency
can
cure
it.
"
【猜忌和怀疑会破坏曾经健康的关系,诚实和透明则可以修复。
】
5.
"Silence
is
not
always
golden
-
sometimes
it
is
the
silence
itself
that
creates
the
most
problems.
"
【沉默并不总是金子般可贵,有时就是这种沉默造成了最大的问题。
】
6.
"Love
is
not
a
guessing
game
-
it
requires
honesty,
vulnerability,
and
open
communication.
"
【爱不是猜谜游戏,它需要诚实、脆弱和开放的沟通。
】
7.
"A
relationship
built
on
misinterpretations
is
as
shaky
as
a
house
built
on
sand.
"
【建立在误解基础上的恋爱关系就像建在沙滩上的房子,摇摇欲坠。
】
8.
"The
only
way
to
truly
know
someone
is
to
listen
to
their
story
and
believe
them.
"
【了解一个人的唯一途径就是听他们的故事并相信他们。
】
9.
"Trust
is
fragile,
but
it
can
also
be
strengthened
through
understanding
and
empathy.
"
【信任易碎,但通过理解和同理心可以得以加强。
】
10.
"Assumptions
and
misunderstandings
can
turn
a
simple
disagreement
into
a
full-blown
argument.
"
【假设和误解可以将简单的分歧变成激烈的争吵。
】
11.
"It's
not
about
being
right
or
wrong,
it's
about
understanding
each
other's
perspective.
"
【不是谁对谁错,而是理解对方的角度。
】
12.
"Miscommunications
often
stem
from
unexpressed
expectations
and
unclear
boundaries.
"
【沟通不畅通常源于未表达的期望和不清晰的界限。
】
13.
"Apologizing
doesn't
mean
you
are
admitting
fault,
it
means
you
value
the
relationship
more
than
your
pride.
"
【道歉并不意味着承认自己有错,而是说明你看重关系胜过自己的自尊。
】
14.
"True
love
shouldn't
require
mind-reading
abilities
-
it
should
be
based
on
honest
and
open
communication.
"
【真正的爱情不应该需要读心术,而应该基于诚实和开放的沟通。
】
15.
"The
more
we
assume,
the
less
we
truly
know.
"
【我们假设越多,真正了解的就越少。
】
16.
"Misunderstandings
can
be
avoided
by
simply
asking
questions
instead
of
making
assumptions.
"
【只要询问而非假设,就能避免误解。
】
17.
"A
lack
of
communication
can
kill
a
relationship
faster
than
any
other
problem.
"
【缺乏沟通比任何问题都能更快破坏一个关系。
】
18.
"The
truth
may
hurt,
but
a
lie
can
do
far
more
damage
in
the
long
run.
"
【真相可能伤人,但长期来看,谎言可以造成更多的伤害。
】
19.
"Misunderstandings
can
lead
to
overreactions
and
irrational
behavior
-
always
seek
to
understand
before
reacting.
"
【误解会导致过度反应和不理性行为——在反应之前一定要尽力理解。
】
20.
"At
the
heart
of
any
successful
relationship
is
the
ability
to
communicate
honestly,
openly,
and
with
empathy.
"
【任何成功的关系的核心都是诚实、开放和同理心的沟通能力。
】