1.
"The
softest
touch
can
leave
the
strongest
impact
on
a
person's
heart.
"
【温柔的触碰,能够深深地触动一个人的内心。
】
2.
"Being
kind
and
gentle
may
be
seen
as
weaknesses
by
some,
but
it
is
truly
a
sign
of
strength.
"
【有些人会认为善良和温柔是弱点,但实际上它是一种强大的力量。
】
3.
"Soft
words
and
a
gentle
tone
can
often
achieve
what
force
and
aggression
cannot.
"
【柔和的语言和温柔的口气往往可以达到用力和攻击无法做到的效果。
】
4.
"In
a
world
that
can
be
harsh
and
cold,
a
little
bit
of
kindness
and
warmth
can
go
a
long
way.
"
【在这个冷酷无情的世界,即使是一点点的温暖和善良也能带来很大的影响。
】
5.
"True
strength
lies
not
in
physical
power,
but
in
the
ability
to
be
gentle
and
kind.
"
【真正的力量不在于肌肉和体力,而是在于拥有善良和温柔的能力。
】
6.
"The
most
beautiful
and
powerful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
touched,
but
are
felt
with
the
heart.
"
【世界上最美丽和强大的东西是无法看到或触摸的,但是可以用心感受到它们。
】
7.
"A
gentle
soul
is
a
treasure,
for
it
carries
the
light
of
kindness
and
love
wherever
it
goes.
"
【一个温柔的灵魂是一种珍宝,因为它会随着它走过的地方带着善良和爱的光芒。
】
8.
"Kindness
is
like
a
butterfly
-
it
flutters
through
life
and
leaves
its
gentle
touch
wherever
it
lands.
"
【善良就像一只蝴蝶,它在生活中翩翩起舞,每落到一个地方都留下了柔和的痕迹。
】
9.
"The
world
needs
more
gentle
souls
who
can
spread
love
and
kindness
wherever
they
go.
"
【这个世界需要更多温柔的灵魂,他们可以在走过的每个地方传播爱和善良。
】
10.
"Strength
and
gentleness
can
coexist,
and
when
they
do,
magic
happens.
"
【力量和温柔可以共存,当它们共存时,就会创造奇迹。
】
11.
"A
gentle
heart
is
a
magnet
for
love
and
happiness.
"
【一个温柔的心灵是爱和幸福的磁铁。
】
12.
"A
soft
touch
can
heal
even
the
deepest
wounds
of
the
soul.
"
【柔和的触碰可以治愈甚至是灵魂最深的伤口。
】
13.
"The
most
powerful
force
in
the
world
is
love,
and
it
can
be
expressed
in
the
gentlest
of
ways.
"
【世界上最强大的力量是爱,而它可以以最温柔的方式表达。
】
14.
"Gentleness
is
not
weakness,
but
a
reflection
of
a
strong
and
compassionate
heart.
"
【温柔不是弱点,而是一种强大和有同情心的心态的反映。
】
15.
"A
little
bit
of
kindness
can
go
a
long
way
in
making
someone's
day.
"
【一点点善良往往可以让某人的一整天变得不同。
】
16.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos
and
noise,
being
gentle
is
a
gift.
"
【在这个充满混乱和嘈杂声的世界里,温柔是一份礼物。
】
17.
"The
softest
touch
can
evoke
the
strongest
emotions
in
a
person.
"
【最柔和的触碰可以引发一个人最强烈的情感。
】
18.
"A
gentle
word
can
turn
away
wrath
and
soften
the
hardest
of
hearts.
"
【一句温柔的话可以使愤怒远离,也可以软化最硬的心。
】
19.
"The
world
is
in
need
of
more
gentle
souls
who
can
make
a
difference
with
their
kindness.
"
【这个世界需要更多温柔的灵魂,他们可以以善良的方式带来变化。
】
20.
"A
gentle
person
may
not
always
be
noticed,
but
their
impact
can
be
felt
for
a
lifetime.
"
【一个温柔的人并不总是引人注目,但他们的影响力可以被体验终身。
】