1.
Love
is
not
a
fairy
tale,
it's
a
journey
you
take
with
someone
you
truly
love.
【Love】
2.
In
the
end,
it's
not
the
happy
ending
that
matters.
What
matters
is
the
love
you
shared
during
the
ride.
【Happy
Ending】
3.
Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
complete
you,
it's
about
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
completely.
【Completeness】
4.
Sometimes,
love
is
not
enough.
But
it's
still
worth
the
fight.
【Worth】
5.
Love
is
what
happens
when
two
imperfect
people
share
a
perfect
moment.
【Imperfection】
6.
True
love
is
not
about
possession.
It's
about
appreciation.
【Appreciation】
7.
Love
is
not
about
being
with
someone
who
makes
you
happy.
It's
about
being
with
someone
who
makes
you
better.
【Better】
8.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
an
action.
It's
about
what
you
do,
not
just
what
you
say.
【Action】
9.
Love
is
not
finding
someone
you
can
live
with.
It's
finding
someone
you
can't
live
without.
【Necessity】
10.
True
love
is
not
just
about
the
good
times.
It's
about
being
there
for
each
other
during
the
tough
times.
【Tough
Times】
11.
Love
is
not
about
perfection.
It's
about
loving
someone
despite
their
flaws.
【Flaws】
12.
Love
is
not
something
you
go
looking
for.
It's
something
that
finds
you
when
you
least
expect
it.
【Unexpected】
13.
True
love
is
not
just
about
the
physical
attraction.
It's
about
connecting
on
a
deeper
level.
【Connection】
14.
Love
is
not
about
changing
someone.
It's
about
accepting
them
for
who
they
are.
【Acceptance】
15.
Love
is
not
just
about
what
you
receive.
It's
about
what
you
give.
【Giving】
16.
True
love
is
not
just
about
being
with
someone
forever.
It's
about
wanting
to
be
with
them
forever.
【Forever】
17.
Love
is
not
a
competition.
It's
about
working
together
to
make
a
better
future.
【Collaboration】
18.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling
you
have
for
someone.
It's
a
choice
you
make
every
day.
【Choice】
19.
True
love
is
not
about
being
perfect
for
each
other.
It's
about
accepting
each
other's
imperfections.
【Imperfections】
20.
Love
is
not
just
about
the
romantic
moments.
It's
about
the
everyday
moments
that
make
life
special.
【Everyday
Moments】