.jpg)
1.
"The
bottle
may
offer
temporary
solace,
but
it
cannot
heal
a
broken
heart.
"
【Sad
Drinking】
2.
"Drinking
to
forget
only
serves
to
compound
the
pain.
"
【Sorrowful
Drinks】
3.
"The
tears
mixed
with
alcohol
may
seem
cathartic
in
the
moment,
but
the
hangover
lasts
much
longer.
"
【Sobbing
Spirits】
4.
"Pouring
another
drink
won't
make
the
memories
disappear.
"
【Emotionally
Drunk】
5.
"The
alcohol
may
numb
the
heartache,
but
it
cannot
erase
the
memories.
"
【Drinking
to
Dull
the
Pain】
6.
"The
more
drink,
the
more
realize
how
empty
and
meaningless
it
all
is.
"
【Empty
Glasses】
7.
"Alcohol
may
provide
a
temporary
escape,
but
the
problems
always
remain
when
the
buzz
fades.
"
【Temporary
Relief】
8.
"When
the
only
cure
for
heartache
seems
to
be
getting
drunk,
it's
time
to
reevaluate
your
priorities.
"
【Alcohol
as
a
Crutch】
9.
"In
the
depths
of
despair,
turning
to
the
bottle
only
digs
the
hole
deeper.
"
【Desperate
Drinks】
10.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
numb
the
pain
is
to
drown
it
in
alcohol.
"
【Numbing
the
Heart】
11.
"Alcohol
may
temporarily
lift
the
weight
of
sadness,
but
it
always
finds
its
way
back.
"
【Lifting
the
Weight
With
Liquor】
12.
"The
more
drink,
the
more
realize
how
much
have
lost.
"
【Lost
in
the
Bottle】
13.
"Drinking
with
a
heavy
heart
only
leads
to
a
heavier
head
in
the
morning.
"
【Heavy
Drinking】
14.
"When
the
only
thing
left
to
do
is
drink,
it's
time
to
face
the
pain
head-on.
"
【Avoiding
Pain
with
Alcohol】
15.
"Alcohol
may
provide
a
brief
respite,
but
it
cannot
heal
a
shattered
soul.
"
【Shattered
Spirits】
16.
"Alcohol
may
offer
temporary
comfort,
but
it
cannot
fill
the
void
left
by
a
broken
heart.
"
【Temporary
Comfort】
17.
"When
the
pain
is
too
great,
drinking
seems
to
be
the
only
option
left.
"
【Drinking
as
an
Escape】
18.
"The
more
drink,
the
more
realize
how
alone
and
lost
truly
am.
"
【Alone
in
the
Dark】
19.
"Drinking
to
forget
seems
like
a
good
idea
until
the
memories
come
flooding
back.
"
【Drinking
to
Forget】
20.
"When
the
bottle
becomes
a
crutch,
it's
time
to
seek
help
and
find
a
way
to
heal.
"
【Help
for
the
Hurt】