.jpg)
1.
The
soft
glow
of
the
sunset
matched
the
gentle
touch
of
your
words.
【温柔的话语,如同美丽的日落。
】
2.
Your
words
create
a
warm
blanket
of
comfort
that
can
wrap
myself
in.
【你的文字,为我打造了一床温暖的被子。
】
3.
gentle
word
can
go
a
long
way
in
making
someone's
day.
【一句温柔的话语,能够让人开心一整天。
】
4.
Your
tenderly
crafted
phrases
make
my
heart
melt.
【你用心编织的词句,让我的心融化了。
】
5.
In
the
world
of
hard
edges
and
sharp
corners,
your
gentle
words
are
a
breath
of
fresh
air.
【在这个充满尖锐和边缘的世界里,你温柔的话语如同清新的空气。
】
6.
Your
gentle
nature
is
reflected
in
the
kind
words
you
choose
to
use.
【你的温柔本性,体现在你选择的亲切话语上。
】
7.
Like
a
soft
breeze
on
a
summer
day,
your
words
leave
me
feeling
refreshed
and
alive.
【你的话语,如同夏日微风,让我感到焕然一新、充满活力。
】
8.
Your
gentle
tone
always
has
a
way
of
putting
me
at
ease.
【你温柔的语气总是能够让我感到放松。
】
9.
Like
a
flower
blooming
in
the
sun,
your
gentle
words
brighten
my
day.
【你的话语,如同花儿在阳光下盛开,让我的日子更加美好。
】
10.
The
softness
of
your
words
is
a
reflection
of
the
kindness
in
your
heart.
【你话语的柔软,是你内心温柔善良的体现。
】
11.
Your
soothing
words
wash
over
me
like
a
gentle
rain,
calming
my
soul.
【你的抚慰话语如同轻柔的雨点,洗净我的心灵。
】
12.
It's
amazing
how
much
comfort
a
simple,
gentle
phrase
can
bring.
【一个简单的、温柔的语句,能给人带来多么大的安慰。
】
13.
There's
a
certain
gracefulness
to
the
way
you
string
your
words
together.
【你用词的优雅令人注目。
】
14.
Your
kind
words
are
like
a
warm
hug
on
a
chilly
day.
【你的温暖话语,如同寒冷天气里的一个温暖拥抱。
】
15.
The
softness
of
your
words
belies
the
strength
of
your
character.
【你话语的柔和,在体现你坚强的性格。
】
16.
Your
words
speak
volumes
about
your
caring
and
compassionate
nature.
【你的话语表现出你体贴、富有同理心的本质。
】
17.
The
gentle
cadence
of
your
voice
is
a
balm
to
my
troubled
soul.
【你柔和的声音如同心灵的治愈剂,安抚了我的不安之心。
】
18.
Your
words
have
the
power
to
heal,
to
lift
up,
to
make
all
things
beautiful.
【你的话语有着治愈、鼓舞和美化世间一切的力量。
】
19.
Your
words
are
a
reflection
of
your
soul,
pure
and
gentle.
【你的言语,流露出你纯真温柔的灵魂。
】
20.
There's
something
magical
about
the
way
your
soft
words
inspire
such
strong
emotions
in
me.
【你的柔声,有种神奇的力量,能够激发起我强烈的情感。
】