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1.
Every
new
year
is
a
chance
to
start
fresh
and
embrace
beauty
that
lies
ahead.
【2022,我们迎接你的到来】
2.
Let
us
welcome
the
upcoming
year
with
open
hearts
and
minds,
ready
to
create
something
beautiful.
【我们可以用美丽的心灵去迎接2022】
3.
In
the
face
of
uncertainty,
beauty
serves
as
a
beacon
of
hope
and
inspiration.
【尽管未知,美好依然是我们的希望和力量】
4.
Just
as
flowers
bloom
after
a
long
winter,
let
us
also
rise
up
and
shine
in
the
coming
year.
【如同花儿在严冬绽放,让我们在新的一年里也一起绽放】
5.
Beauty
is
not
only
found
in
the
grand,
but
also
in
the
small
moments
that
make
life
worth
living.
【追求美好不一定要大而全,做个微笑的小事也能让生命更有价值】
6.
Life
is
a
canvas
and
each
day
is
an
opportunity
to
paint
a
beautiful
picture.
【人生如画,每一天都是绘制美好的机会】
7.
The
little
things
in
life
can
sometimes
hold
the
most
beauty
and
meaning.
【往往一些小事情才是最美和具有意义的】
8.
Let
us
strive
to
find
beauty
in
everything
we
do,
and
in
everyone
we
meet.
【用心灵去探寻美好,与每一个人都分享美丽】
9.
Life
is
fleeting,
and
beauty
is
a
way
to
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【生命短暂,美丽让每一刻都值得怀念】
10.
Let
us
take
the
time
to
appreciate
the
beauty
that
surrounds
us,
both
natural
and
man-made.
【欣赏我们身边的美好,不管是自然还是人造】
11.
Beauty
is
not
just
about
outer
appearances,
but
also
about
the
essence
of
who
we
are.
【美丽不仅来自外表,更源自我们的内在】
12.
The
world
is
full
of
beauty,
let
us
take
the
time
to
seek
it
out
and
appreciate
it.
【世界上到处都是美丽,我们要花心思去追寻和感悟】
13.
Life
is
made
up
of
moments,
let's
make
each
one
count
by
finding
the
beauty
within
it.
【人生由无数片刻组成,让我们在每一个片刻中感受生命的美丽】
14.
Beauty
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey
that
we
must
actively
pursue
every
day.
【美丽不是终点,而是我们每天都要积极探寻的旅程】
15.
Let's
make
a
year
of
beauty,
both
in
ourselves
and
in
the
world
around
us.
【让我们在2022年中创造美好,而美好既可在自身也可在我们的周围】
16.
The
beauty
of
life
is
that
it
is
always
changing,
and
with
change
comes
new
opportunities
for
growth
and
discovery.
【生命的美好之处在于它总是在变,变化带来新的成长和探索的机会】
17.
Beauty
is
not
something
that
can
be
bought
or
possessed,
but
rather
something
that
must
be
cultivated
and
shared.
【美丽无法被购买或拥有,而是需要我们用心去培育和分享】
18.
Let
us
not
be
afraid
to
see
the
beauty
in
ourselves,
and
to
let
it
shine
outwards
for
others
to
appreciate.
【不要害怕欣赏自己的美丽,让它散发出来,让他人感受到】
19.
Beauty
is
a
reminder
that
there
is
still
good
in
the
world,
and
that
it
is
worth
fighting
for.
【美丽提醒人们仍有美好之处存在,值得我们为之奋斗】
20.
The
greatest
beauty
is
that
which
touches
the
heart
and
soul,
leaving
a
lasting
imprint
on
our
lives.
【最伟大的美好是打动我们的心灵和灵魂,告别我们生命中不可磨灭的痕迹】