.jpg)
1.
"If
money
could
buy
love,
it
wouldn't
be
worth
having.
"
【#MoneyCan'tBuyLove】
2.
"The
cost
of
preventing
love
with
money
is
a
lifetime
of
regret.
"
【#RegretIsCostly】
3.
"Love
is
priceless,
no
amount
of
money
can
buy
true
happiness.
"
【#PricelessLove】
4.
"Money
can't
replace
the
warmth
of
a
loving
hug
or
a
gentle
kiss.
"
【#MoneyCan'tReplaceLove】
5.
"Buying
love
with
money
is
like
renting
happiness,
it
never
lasts.
"
【#RentingHappiness】
6.
"Love
isn't
bought
and
sold,
it's
felt
and
shared.
"
【#LoveIsShared】
7.
"In
the
absence
of
love,
money
can
never
fill
the
void.
"
【#MoneyCan'tFillVoid】
8.
"True
love
is
measured
by
the
depth
of
emotions,
not
the
size
of
the
wallet.
"
【#DepthOfEmotions】
9.
"If
love
is
based
on
material
possessions,
it's
not
love
at
all.
"
【#MaterialLove】
10.
"Love
is
an
emotional
bond,
not
a
financial
transaction.
"
【#EmotionalBond】
11.
"The
richest
person
in
the
world
is
poor
if
they
have
no
love
in
their
life.
"
【#RichInLove】
12.
"Love
is
an
investment
in
the
heart
that
yields
the
greatest
returns.
"
【#BestInvestment】
13.
"Money
can
buy
temporary
pleasure,
but
it
can't
buy
lasting
love.
"
【#TemporaryPleasure】
14.
"A
heart
full
of
love
is
worth
more
than
all
the
money
in
the
world.
"
【#HeartFullOfLove】
15.
"Love
can't
be
measured
in
material
wealth,
it
surpasses
all
monetary
value.
"
【#UnmeasurableLove】
16.
"The
most
valuable
currency
in
life
is
love,
not
money.
"
【#ValuableCurrency】
17.
"Love
is
not
a
possession
to
be
bought,
it's
a
feeling
to
be
shared.
"
【#NotAPossession】
18.
"Money
can
buy
things,
but
it
can
never
buy
the
genuine
emotion
of
love.
"
【#GenuineLove】
19.
"Love
is
not
about
what
you
have,
it's
about
the
feelings
you
share.
"
【#LoveIsFeelings】
20.
"Money
can
provide
comfort,
but
it
can't
replace
the
warmth
of
a
genuine
embrace.
"
【#MoneyCan'tReplaceEmbrace】