.jpg)
1.
“When
life
gives
you
lemons,
don’t
make
lemonade.
Sell
those
lemons
and
buy
something
better.
”
【穷鬼哲学】
2.
“Being
rich
is
not
about
how
much
money
you
have,
but
how
little
you
need.
”
【穷则思变】
3.
“I’m
not
broke,
I’m
just
temporarily
challenged.
”
【谁说我穷】
4.
“Money
doesn’t
grow
on
trees,
but
it
sure
feels
like
it
disappears
like
leaves
in
the
fall.
”
【钱从哪里来】
5.
“I’m
not
cheap,
I’m
just
financially
responsible.
”
【节衣缩食】
6.
“I
may
be
poor,
but
at
least
I’m
happy.
”
【穷但快乐】
7.
“The
only
thing
worse
than
being
broke
is
pretending
you’re
not.
”
【苦口婆心】
8.
“Being
broke
is
temporary,
but
being
poor
is
a
state
of
mind.
”
【逆袭人生】
9.
“If
money
can’t
buy
happiness,
then
why
is
it
so
hard
to
get
by
without
it?”
【挣钱不易】
10.
“I’m
not
rich,
but
have
a
wealth
of
love
and
friendship.
”
【贫穷不能阻挡爱】
11.
“I’m
not
poor,
I’m
just
in
debt
to
life.
”
【借贷人生】
12.
“Bills
are
like
bad
roommates,
they
never
leave
you
alone.
”
【安家费】
13.
“The
most
expensive
thing
in
life
is
not
money,
it’s
time.
”
【时间更重要】
14.
“I’m
not
poor,
I’m
just
waiting
for
my
ship
to
come
in.
”
【等待机会】
15.
“I
may
not
have
a
lot
of
money,
but
have
a
lot
of
creativity.
”
【富有创意】
16.
“Being
poor
is
like
being
on
a
diet,
except
it’s
not
by
choice.
”
【借刀杀人】
17.
“I
don’t
need
money
to
be
happy,
just
a
good
book
and
a
cup
of
tea.
”
【淡泊名利】
18.
“The
best
things
in
life
may
be
free,
but
the
extras
cost
a
fortune.
”
【物价飞涨】
19.
“Being
poor
is
a
challenge,
but
it
also
makes
you
appreciate
the
little
things
in
life.
”
【珍惜欣赏】
20.
“Money
can’t
buy
happiness,
but
it
can
buy
chocolate,
and
that’s
pretty
close.
”
【零食富翁】