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1.
Smile
at
life
and
life
will
smile
back
at
you.
【开心不来,笑颜自来。
】
2.
Find
something
that
makes
your
heart
sing
and
do
it
every
day.
【找到让你开心的事,每天去做。
】
3.
Life
is
short,
so
choose
to
be
happy
every
day.
【生命短暂,所以选择每天开心。
】
4.
Surround
yourself
with
positive
people
who
lift
you
up.
【身边围绕着积极向上的人。
】
5.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
create
happiness.
【每一天都是创造快乐的新机会。
】
6.
Focus
on
the
good
things
in
life
and
let
go
of
the
negativity.
【关注生活中的美好,放下消极。
】
7.
Make
time
for
the
things
that
bring
you
joy.
【抽出时间做让你开心的事情。
】
8.
Laugh
often,
it's
good
for
the
soul.
【频频笑乐,有利于心灵健康。
】
9.
Embrace
challenges
with
a
positive
mindset
and
see
them
as
growth
opportunities.
【以积极的心态接纳挑战,将其视为成长机会。
】
10.
Change
your
perspective
and
see
the
world
with
rose-colored
glasses.
【转变视角,用玫瑰色眼镜看世界。
】
11.
Spread
kindness
wherever
you
go,
it
will
come
back
to
you.
【无时无刻都传递善意,它会回报你的。
】
12.
Take
care
of
yourself
both
physically
and
mentally
to
live
a
happy
and
fulfilling
life.
【无论是身体还是心灵,都要照顾好自己,才能拥有幸福而充实的生活。
】
13.
Find
joy
in
the
little
things
and
you
will
appreciate
life
even
more.
【在琐碎的事情中寻找快乐,会更加珍惜生活。
】
14.
Surround
yourself
with
nature
and
find
inner
peace.
【与自然为伴,寻找内在的平静。
】
15.
Keep
a
gratitude
journal
and
focus
on
what
you
are
thankful
for.
【保持一本感恩日记,关注你感激的事情。
】
16.
Exercise
regularly
and
release
endorphins
that
bring
happiness.
【定期锻炼,释放带来快乐的内啡肽。
】
17.
Practice
forgiveness
and
let
go
of
grudges
that
hold
you
back.
【学会宽恕,放下让你束缚的怨恨。
】
18.
Be
present
in
the
moment
and
enjoy
the
simple
pleasures
of
life.
【活在当下,享受生命中简单的乐趣。
】
19.
Do
something
kind
for
someone
else
and
watch
how
it
brightens
their
day.
【为他人做一件善事,看看它如何让他们光彩照人。
】
20.
Believe
in
yourself
and
your
dreams,
and
you
can
achieve
anything
you
set
your
mind
to.
【相信自己和梦想,你能实现任何你下定决心做到的事。
】