1.
爱情是绕过困难、唯一不曾磨灭的永恒。
【Love
endures
through
difficulties
and
is
the
only
thing
that
never
fades.
】
2.
真爱是心之所向,期盼着一辈子的相伴。
【True
love
is
the
direction
of
the
heart,
hoping
for
a
lifetime
of
companionship.
】
3.
爱情是两颗心沉浸于对方的温暖,形成一体。
【Love
is
two
hearts
immersed
in
each
other's
warmth,
forming
one
entity.
】
4.
爱情就像鲜花,需要每天精心呵护才能开得更美。
【Love
is
like
a
flower,
it
needs
daily
care
to
bloom
more
beautifully.
】
5.
爱情是守望着彼此的灵魂,在风雨中互相撑伞。
【Love
is
watching
over
each
other's
souls,
holding
an
umbrella
for
each
other
in
the
wind
and
rain.
】
6.
爱情是一道光,照耀着人生的旅程,直到永远。
【Love
is
a
beam
of
light
that
shines
on
the
journey
of
life,
until
forever.
】
7.
爱是没有终点的旅行,永远陪伴着彼此。
【Love
is
a
never-ending
journey,
always
accompanying
each
other.
】
8.
爱情是一种唯一,一种在世界上找不到另外一种的特殊感动。
【Love
is
a
uniqueness,
a
special
move
that
can't
be
found
elsewhere
in
the
world.
】
9.
爱,让我们找到爱的能力,把它们倾诉给世界,与我们所爱之人共享。
【Love
allowed
us
to
discover
the
power
of
love,
to
share
it
with
the
world
and
the
ones
we
love.
】
10.
爱情是生活的涂鸦,在一次次磨砺后变得越发精美。
【Love
is
the
graffiti
of
life,
becoming
more
beautiful
after
each
sharpening.
】
11.
爱情是绕过过去,向未来拥抱而来。
【Love
bypasses
the
past
and
embraces
the
future.
】
12.
爱情是一场真诚和勇气的战役,值得一生奋斗。
【Love
is
a
battle
of
sincerity
and
courage,
worth
fighting
for
a
lifetime.
】
13.
爱情让我们看到生活第一次发光,世界第二次崭新。
【Love
makes
us
see
that
life
shines
for
the
first
time,
and
the
world
is
reborn
for
the
second
time.
】
14.
爱情是一座波澜壮阔的桥梁,温暖相伴,携手前行。
【Love
is
a
magnificent
bridge,
accompanied
by
warmth,
and
move
forward
hand
in
hand.
】
15.
爱情是一种信仰,持续地等待、耐心地守望。
【Love
is
a
belief
that
continues
to
wait
and
patiently
watch.
】
16.
爱情是一种默契,不需要言语,却让人感受到一个人所期盼的一切。
【Love
is
a
tacit
understanding,
it
doesn't
require
words
but
lets
someone
feel
everything
they
hoped
for.
】
17.
爱情是一种财富,它改变走过的路,也改变今后的命运。
【Love
is
a
wealth,
it
changes
the
road
traveled
and
also
future
destiny.
】
18.
爱情是一首唱不完的歌,从心灵与心灵相连。
【Love
is
an
unsung
song,
connected
from
heart
to
heart.
】
19.
爱情是一只鸟,飞过我们的人生,为我们留下珍贵的足迹。
【Love
is
a
bird
that
flies
through
our
lives,
leaving
precious
footprints
for
us.
】
20.
最好的爱情,就是相互成全,为对方撑起一片蓝天。
【The
best
love
is
to
complement
each
other,
hold
up
a
blue
sky
for
each
other.
】