.jpg)
1.
harmonious
melody
that
resonates
deep
within
the
hearts
of
every
citizen,
the
Olympic
song
embodies
the
spirit
of
peace,
unity
and
progress
【感受奥林匹克歌曲所体现的和谐之美,它在每个人的心中共鸣,体现了和平、团结和进步的精神】
。
2.
The
tender
and
soothing
melody
of
the
Olympic
song
is
a
reminder
of
the
finer
aspects
of
human
nature,
the
need
for
compassion,
and
the
unbreakable
bond
that
ties
us
all
together
【奥林匹克歌曲的温柔、舒缓旋律提醒我们人类本质中的良善,需要同情心,以及将我们紧密联系在一起的永不分离的纽带】
。
3.
With
its
powerful
message
and
soul-stirring
tune,
the
Olympic
song
inspires
hope,
courage
and
determination
in
all
of
us,
urging
us
to
strive
for
greatness
in
every
aspect
of
our
lives
【奥林匹克歌曲凭借其强大的信息和动人的曲调,在我们每个人心中激发出希望、勇气和决心,敦促我们在我们生活的各个方面追求卓越】
。
4.
The
gentle
melody
of
the
Olympic
song
reminds
us
that
even
in
times
of
strife
and
conflict,
kindness,
empathy
and
compassion
hold
the
power
to
heal
wounds
and
bring
people
together
【奥林匹克歌曲的温柔旋律提醒我们,即使在困难和冲突的时期,善良、同情心和同理心也有治愈伤口、团结人心的力量】
。
5.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
gentle
reminder
of
all
that
is
good,
noble
and
life-affirming
in
this
world,
a
celebration
of
the
human
spirit
and
the
triumph
of
our
common
aspirations
【奥林匹克歌曲温柔提醒我们,这个世界上所有美好、高贵和肯定生命的东西,是人类精神和我们共同的愿望的胜利庆典】
。
6.
As
we
listen
to
the
Olympic
song,
it
is
impossible
not
to
feel
a
sense
of
pride
and
gratitude
towards
our
athletes,
whose
hard
work,
dedication
and
sacrifice
inspire
us
all
【当我们聆听奥林匹克歌曲时,不可能不感到对我们的运动员的自豪和感激之情,他们的努力、奉献和牺牲激励着我们所有人】
。
7.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
testament
to
the
power
of
music
to
heal,
to
inspire,
and
to
unite
people
from
all
walks
of
life,
regardless
of
race,
religion
or
nationality
【奥林匹克歌曲是音乐治愈、激发和团结不同种族、宗教或国籍的人们的力量的证明】
。
8.
The
Olympic
song
captures
the
essence
of
the
human
spirit,
the
eternal
quest
for
excellence,
and
the
timeless
values
of
peace,
love
and
understanding
【奥林匹克歌曲捕捉了人类精神的本质,对卓越的永恒追求,对和平、爱和理解永恒的价值】
。
9.
With
its
tender
and
evocative
melody,
the
Olympic
song
awakens
our
innermost
feelings,
stirring
our
hearts
with
a
sense
of
hope,
joy
and
wonder
【凭借其温柔、感人的旋律,奥林匹克歌曲唤醒我们内心最深处的感受,激发我们的心灵,带给我们希望、喜悦和奇迹的感觉】
。
10.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
timeless
ode
to
the
finest
aspects
of
our
humanity,
a
call
to
action
for
each
and
every
one
of
us
to
strive
for
greatness,
to
be
the
best
we
can
be
【奥林匹克歌曲是赞美我们人类精神最好面貌的永恒颂歌,是号召我们每个人奋斗卓越,做最好的自己的呼唤】
。
11.
The
Olympic
song
reminds
us
that
no
matter
how
unfathomable
our
differences
may
seem,
we
are
all
connected
by
the
indomitable
and
indescribable
human
spirit,
a
force
that
unites
us
all
as
one
【奥林匹克歌曲提醒我们,不管我们的差异看似多么深不可测,我们都是由不屈不挠的、无法言表的人类精神所连接,这种力量将我们所有人团结为一体】
。
12.
Through
its
gentle
and
uplifting
melody,
the
Olympic
song
celebrates
the
human
spirit,
the
magnificent
beauty
of
our
planet,
and
the
immense
power
of
the
collective
will
【通过其温柔而振奋人心的旋律,奥林匹克歌曲庆祝人类精神、我们星球的壮丽美丽和集体意志的巨大力量】
。
13.
The
Olympic
song
serves
as
a
reminder
that
our
greatest
strengths
lie
not
in
our
individual
accomplishments,
but
in
our
ability
to
come
together
as
one,
to
stand
shoulder
to
shoulder
in
the
pursuit
of
a
common
goal
【奥林匹克歌曲提醒我们,我们最伟大的力量不在于我们个人的成就,而在于我们作为一个整体的能力,同心协力追求共同目标】
。
14.
With
its
ethereal
and
captivating
melody,
the
Olympic
song
reminds
us
of
the
infinite
power
of
music
to
nurture
the
human
spirit,
to
heal
the
soul,
and
to
elevate
our
consciousness
【凭借其神秘而迷人的旋律,奥林匹克歌曲提醒我们,音乐具有无限的力量,能够滋养人类精神,治愈灵魂,提升我们的意识】
。
15.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
poignant
tribute
to
the
human
spirit,
a
celebration
of
our
innate
capacity
to
love,
to
hope,
and
to
dream
of
a
brighter
tomorrow
【奥林匹克歌曲是对人类精神的深情致敬,是对我们天生的爱、希望和梦想的庆祝,看到更加光明的未来】
。
16.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
call
to
action,
a
wake-up
call
for
each
and
every
one
of
us
to
rediscover
our
inner
selves,
to
embrace
our
own
unique
gifts,
and
to
strive
for
excellence
in
everything
we
do
【奥林匹克歌曲是一种行动的号召,是为我们每个人唤醒内在自我、拥抱自己独特天赋以及追求卓越的呼唤】
。
17.
With
its
gentle
yet
powerful
melody,
the
Olympic
song
encapsulates
the
beauty
and
majesty
of
the
human
spirit,
a
celebration
of
our
common
humanity
and
the
triumph
of
the
human
will
【凭借其温柔而强大的旋律,奥林匹克歌曲概述了人类精神的美丽和威严,是对我们共同的人性和人类意志的胜利的庆祝】
。
18.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
timeless
masterpiece,
a
testament
to
the
enduring
power
of
music
to
inspire,
to
heal,
and
to
unite
people
from
all
corners
of
the
world
【奥林匹克歌曲是一个永恒的杰作,它证明了音乐激励、治愈、团结世界各地的人们的持久力量】
。
19.
With
its
tender
and
evocative
melody,
the
Olympic
song
reminds
us
that
no
matter
what
challenges
come
our
way,
we
are
all
capable
of
overcoming
them,
of
rising
above
our
fears
and
limitations
【通过其温柔、感人的旋律,奥林匹克歌曲提醒我们,无论遇到什么挑战,我们都有能力克服它们,超越我们的恐惧和限制】
。
20.
The
Olympic
song
is
a
reminder
that
our
individual
triumphs
are
but
a
small
part
of
a
greater
whole,
a
celebration
of
our
collective
achievements,
and
a
testament
to
the
boundless
potential
of
the
human
spirit
【奥林匹克歌曲提醒我们,我们个人的胜利只是一个更大整体的小部分,是对我们的集体成就的庆祝,也是对人类精神无限潜力的证明】
。