1.
"Save
money
now,
enjoy
life
later.
"
【省钱现在,享受未来】
2.
"Wasting
food
is
like
throwing
money
down
the
drain.
"
【浪费食物等于在浪费金钱】
3.
"Think
twice
before
making
impulse
purchases.
"
【多想想再决定,别冲动消费】
4.
"Use
coupons
and
discounts
whenever
possible.
"
【尽可能使用优惠券和折扣】
5.
"Reusing
and
recycling
saves
money
and
the
environment.
"
【重复使用和回收可以节省金钱和保护环境】
6.
"Meal
planning
helps
save
time
and
money.
"
【合理规划饮食可以省时间和金钱】
7.
"Selling
items
you
no
longer
need
is
a
great
way
to
make
extra
cash.
"
【卖掉你不需要的物品可以赚得一些额外的现金】
8.
"Cutting
back
on
expensive
habits
leads
to
a
more
fulfilling
life.
"
【减少昂贵的习惯可以让生活更充实】
9.
"Investing
in
quality
products
saves
money
in
the
long
run.
"
【购买质量好的产品可以长期省钱】
10.
"Walking
or
biking
is
not
only
healthy,
but
also
saves
money
on
transportation.
"
【步行或骑自行车不仅有益健康,还可以省钱】
11.
"Comparing
prices
before
making
purchases
can
save
a
lot
of
money.
"
【购买前比价,可以省很多钱】
12.
"Learning
to
can
save
money
on
home
repairs
and
renovations.
"
【学会自己修缮,可以省钱装修】
13.
"Buying
items
in
bulk
can
save
money
in
the
long
term.
"
【大量购买可以在长时间内省钱】
14.
"Placing
a
limit
on
entertainment
expenses
can
lead
to
greater
creativity
and
enjoyment.
"
【限制娱乐支出可以创意更多、享受更大】
15.
"Taking
advantage
of
free
activities
and
events
is
a
great
way
to
save
money
and
have
fun.
"
【参加免费活动和事件可以省钱也有乐趣】
16.
"Avoiding
brands
and
labels
can
save
money
without
sacrificing
quality.
"
【不一味追求品牌和名牌,可以省钱但不失品质】
17.
"Maintaining
healthy
habits
can
save
money
on
healthcare
costs
in
the
long
run.
"
【保持健康习惯,可在长期内省下医疗费用】
18.
"Negotiating
prices
and
fees
can
save
money
on
services.
"
【议价可以在服务上省钱】
19.
"Using
public
transportation
instead
of
driving
can
save
money
on
gas
and
maintenance.
"
【坐公共交通代替开车可以省下汽油和养护费用】
20.
"Investing
in
experiences
rather
than
material
possessions
leads
to
greater
happiness
and
savings.
"
【投资于体验性的事物,比投资于物质性的东西更让人快乐并省钱】