.jpg)
1.
Memories
are
bittersweet,
but
the
people
we've
loved
will
always
hold
a
special
place
in
our
hearts.
【感恩与珍惜】
2.
Life
is
full
of
twists
and
turns,
but
the
bonds
we've
made
with
others
will
remain
unchanged.
【时间无法消磨的情谊】
3.
Saying
goodbye
doesn't
mean
we're
losing
something;
it
means
we're
gaining
a
new
chapter
in
our
lives.
【向前看,开启新篇章】
4.
Friends
come
and
go,
but
those
who
truly
matter
will
always
come
back
to
us
in
some
way.
【贵人相聚,不负相知】
5.
As
we
say
farewell,
let's
cherish
the
memories
we've
made
and
hold
onto
them
forever.
【告别不是终结,是往日美好更好的诠释】
6.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
people
who
don't
value
us,
so
let's
surround
ourselves
with
those
who
do.
【珍惜眼前人,不负有缘人】
7.
Change
is
inevitable,
but
the
love
and
laughter
we've
shared
will
never
fade
away.
【岁月更替,记忆长存】
8.
The
best
thing
about
parting
ways
is
knowing
that
we'll
always
have
a
piece
of
each
other
with
us.
【惜别,追求更美的人生】
9.
Distance
may
separate
us
physically,
but
the
friendship
we've
built
knows
no
bounds.
【时空不限,真心相伴】
10.
Letting
go
of
someone
we
love
is
hard,
but
sometimes
it's
necessary
for
our
own
growth.
【放下,让彼此更好】
11.
When
we
say
goodbye,
we're
not
saying
farewell
forever;
we're
saying
"until
we
meet
again.
"【再见不是永别,但愿千里迢迢,还有重逢之日】
12.
It's
hard
to
say
goodbye
to
the
people
who
have
become
a
part
of
our
lives,
but
we
must
trust
that
life
will
bring
us
new
adventures.
【别离难免,相信未来会有无数美好】
13.
It's
okay
to
feel
sad
when
we
part
ways,
but
let's
choose
to
focus
on
the
joy
and
laughter
we've
shared.
【别离伤感,珍惜幸福】
14.
The
people
we've
met
on
this
journey
were
meant
to
be
a
part
of
our
lives,
even
if
only
for
a
season.
【一程风景,一路有你】
15.
Sometimes
we
have
to
say
goodbye
to
make
room
for
new
blessings
that
are
waiting
for
us.
【告别,腾出前行的空间】
16.
Friends
may
leave
us,
but
the
memories
we've
shared
will
always
stay
with
us.
【人去心留,唏嘘不断】
17.
As
we
part
ways,
let's
celebrate
the
journey
we've
been
on
and
the
friendships
we've
made.
【共赴人生,别离感恩】
18.
Saying
goodbye
may
be
difficult,
but
it's
a
necessary
step
in
our
journey
towards
personal
growth
and
new
horizons.
【别离,为新生活蓄势】
19.
True
friends
may
be
separated
by
distance
and
time,
but
their
love
and
support
will
always
remain.
【远隔万里,依旧亲密无间】
20.
Saying
goodbye
may
be
bittersweet,
but
it's
a
reminder
that
life
is
full
of
new
beginnings
and
exciting
possibilities.
【别离,为下一个高峰做准备】