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1.
時間總是悄悄而過,帶走了一切,只留下回憶【Time
passes
silently
and
takes
everything
away,
leaving
only
memories.
】
2.
有時候,時間會變得殘忍,讓我們不得不面對生命中最痛苦的事情【Sometimes
time
can
be
cruel,
forcing
us
to
face
the
most
painful
things
in
life.
】
3.
人生中最珍貴的東西不是金錢或權力,而是那些和你一起度過時光的人【The
most
precious
thing
in
life
is
not
money
or
power,
but
the
people
who
share
the
time
with
you.
】
4.
我們總是把一些美好的事情留給以後,卻往往忘了及時行動【We
always
leave
some
beautiful
things
for
the
future,
but
often
forget
to
act
in
time.
】
5.
當你遇到困難時,時間可能不解決一切,但它會讓你更堅強【When
you
encounter
difficulties,
time
may
not
solve
everything,
but
it
will
make
you
stronger.
】
6.
愛情的美好常常來自於它的短暫,就像花開一樣美麗而短暫【The
beauty
of
love
often
comes
from
its
brevity,
like
a
flower
blooming
beautifully
and
briefly.
】
7.
最糟糕的事情不是失去了愛情,而是失去了那些曾經愛你的人【The
worst
thing
is
not
losing
love,
but
losing
those
who
once
loved
you.
】
8.
時間可以修改我們的外貌,但無法改變我們的靈魂【Time
can
change
our
appearance,
but
not
our
soul.
】
9.
真正的愛情不會被時間和距離所擊敗,只要你們都願意為之奮斗【True
love
will
not
be
defeated
by
time
and
distance,
as
long
as
both
of
you
are
willing
to
fight
for
it.
】
10.
有時候最小的改變可以帶來最大的不同,就像時間一樣神奇【Sometimes
the
smallest
change
can
make
the
biggest
difference,
just
like
time
is
magical.
】
11.
遺忘是一種淡淡的痕跡,時間會一點點地抹去你的傷痕【Forgetting
is
a
light
trace,
and
time
will
gradually
erase
your
wounds.
】
12.
时间不会停止,所以珍惜那些让你感到开心的人和事【Time
won't
stop,
so
cherish
the
people
and
things
that
make
you
happy.
】
13.
在时间的长河里,有一些事情注定要变成永远的记忆【In
the
river
of
time,
some
things
are
destined
to
become
everlasting
memories.
】
14.
时间可以带来改变,但记忆能够永存【Time
can
bring
change,
but
memories
can
last
forever.
】
15.
珍惜时间,因为它是唯一无法从中挽回的东西【Treasure
time,
because
it's
the
only
thing
that
can't
be
recovered.
】
16.
追逐梦想的路上,时间是我们最好的朋友和伙伴【On
the
road
to
chasing
dreams,
time
is
our
best
friend
and
partner.
】
17.
时间是我们的教师,永远不会亏欠我们;它只会让我们吸取经验,成长和前行【Time
is
our
teacher,
it
will
never
owe
us;
It
only
allows
us
to
gain
experience,
grow
and
move
forward.
】
18.
用你的时间去愉悦自己,因为你永远不知道你有多少时间【Use
your
time
to
enjoy
yourself,
because
you
never
know
how
much
time
you
have.
】
19.
时间是最宝贵的礼物,为你珍惜他人的时间,就是为你自己创造时间【Time
is
the
most
precious
gift,
to
cherish
other
people's
time
is
to
create
time
for
yourself.
】
20.
感谢时间,它永远是我追求梦想的最佳伙伴【Thank
you,
time,
you
are
always
the
best
partner
for
me
to
pursue
my
dreams.
】