.jpg)
1.
"Life
is
too
short
to
be
filled
with
meaningless
quotes
and
fake
smiles.
"
【#StopTheFake】
2.
"I
don't
care
about
your
new
car
or
your
fancy
vacation.
Show
me
something
real.
"
【#RealLifePlease】
3.
"Stop
posting
photos
of
your
every
meal.
Not
everything
is
Instagram
worthy.
"
【#NoMoreFoodPorn】
4.
"I'm
tired
of
seeing
photos
of
your
endless
parties.
Can't
you
just
enjoy
the
moment
without
posting
about
it?"
【#LiveInTheMoment】
5.
"Enough
with
the
motivational
quotes
already.
They're
not
helping
anyone.
"
【#EnoughIsEnough】
6.
"Your
daily
workout
routine
is
not
interesting.
Keep
it
to
yourself.
"
【#NoMoreFitnessPosts】
7.
"Do
you
really
need
to
share
every
single
detail
of
your
life
with
the
world?"
【#PrivacyPlease】
8.
"Posting
photos
of
your
children
without
their
consent
is
not
okay.
"
【#RespectTheirPrivacy】
9.
"Your
constant
selfies
are
getting
old.
Have
some
self-respect.
"
【#StopTheSelfieObsession】
10.
"I'm
sorry,
but
nobody
cares
about
your
pet's
latest
trick.
"
【#NoMorePetPosts】
11.
"Your
political
rants
are
not
welcome
on
my
timeline.
"
【#KeepPoliticsOutOfIt】
12.
"No,
don't
want
to
see
your
latest
fashion
haul.
"
【#FashionOverload】
13.
"Just
because
you
have
a
platform
doesn't
mean
you
need
to
share
every
thought
that
pops
into
your
head.
"
【#ThinkBeforeYouPost】
14.
"Enough
with
the
clickbait
articles
already.
I'm
not
falling
for
it.
"
【#StopTheClickbait】
15.
"I'm
sorry,
but
your
endless
vacation
photos
are
making
me
jealous
and
annoyed.
"
【#NoMoreVacationSpam】
16.
"Can't
you
just
enjoy
your
coffee
without
posting
a
photo
of
it?
We
get
it,
you
drink
coffee.
"
【#NoMoreCoffeePosts】
17.
"Your
vaguebooking
is
not
cute.
Be
direct
or
don't
post
at
all.
"
【#StopTheVaguePosts】
18.
"Nobody
wants
to
see
your
before-and-after
weight
loss
photos.
"
【#BodyPositivityPlease】
19.
"Posting
photos
of
your
expensive
possessions
is
just
bragging.
"
【#HumilityIsKey】
20.
"Can
we
all
just
agree
to
stop
posting
photos
of
our
feet?"
【#NoMoreFeetPics】