.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
a
journey
of
ups
and
downs,
but
if
it's
worth
it,
then
fight
for
it
with
all
your
heart
and
soul.
"
【挽回爱情】
2.
"Despite
the
pain
and
heartache,
can't
ignore
the
fact
that
loving
you
is
the
best
thing
that
ever
happened
to
me.
"
【挽回爱情】
3.
"I
will
do
whatever
it
takes
to
prove
my
love
for
you
and
show
you
that
am
worthy
of
a
second
chance.
"
【挽回爱情】
4.
"Our
love
story
is
not
over
yet,
and
will
make
sure
it
has
a
happy
ending.
"
【挽回爱情】
5.
"My
love
for
you
still
burns
strong,
and
nothing
can
extinguish
it,
not
even
distance
or
time.
"
【挽回爱情】
6.
"I
am
willing
to
forgive
and
forget
because
believe
our
love
is
worth
fighting
for.
"
【挽回爱情】
7.
"When
look
into
your
eyes,
see
the
only
person
want
to
spend
the
rest
of
my
life
with.
"
【挽回爱情】
8.
"Maybe
we
needed
this
break
to
realize
how
much
we
truly
mean
to
each
other.
"
【挽回爱情】
9.
"I
miss
your
touch,
your
smile,
your
laughter,
everything
about
you.
Please
give
us
another
chance.
"
【挽回爱情】
10.
"No
matter
how
far
we
stray,
our
hearts
always
find
their
way
back
to
each
other.
"
【挽回爱情】
11.
"I
will
never
give
up
on
us
because
am
confident
in
the
love
we
share.
"
【挽回爱情】
12.
"Our
love
is
not
perfect,
but
it's
real,
and
that's
all
that
matters.
"
【挽回爱情】
13.
"I
promise
to
work
on
my
flaws,
listen
to
your
needs,
and
make
our
relationship
a
priority.
"
【挽回爱情】
14.
"Let's
not
let
pride
or
fear
hold
us
back
from
the
love
we
both
deserve.
"
【挽回爱情】
15.
"I
know
we
can
overcome
any
obstacle
as
long
as
we
do
it
together.
"
【挽回爱情】
16.
"I
am
willing
to
take
all
the
blame,
but
hope
you
can
also
see
my
efforts
to
make
things
right.
"
【挽回爱情】
17.
"You
are
the
missing
piece
of
my
puzzle,
and
without
you,
my
life
is
incomplete.
"
【挽回爱情】
18.
"The
memories
we
shared
are
too
precious
to
let
go,
and
that's
why
want
to
fight
for
us.
"
【挽回爱情】
19.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling;
it's
a
choice,
and
choose
you
every
single
day.
"
【挽回爱情】
20.
"I
am
not
giving
up
on
us
because
know
our
love
story
is
worth
telling.
"
【挽回爱情】