.jpg)
1.
"A
healthy
planet
is
a
healthy
home
for
all
of
us
to
live
in.
"
【保护生态,关爱家园。
】
2.
"The
choices
we
make
today,
will
determine
the
tomorrow
we
create.
"
【生态保护,从现在开始。
】
3.
"We
may
not
be
able
to
change
the
world
by
ourselves,
but
we
can
start
by
making
a
difference
in
our
own
community.
"
【身边的环保行动,更是举足轻重。
】
4.
"Every
time
we
harm
the
environment,
we
harm
ourselves.
"
【爱自己,爱地球。
】
5.
"Nature
doesn't
need
us,
we
need
nature.
"
【与自然共存,共享美好。
】
6.
"Clean
air,
clean
water,
and
a
healthy
environment
should
be
a
right
for
every
living
being.
"
【环境权益,责任担当。
】
7.
"Educating
others
about
environmental
issues
is
the
key
to
creating
real
change.
"
【以教育为引领,助力环保事业。
】
8.
"Small
actions,
when
multiplied
by
millions,
can
transform
the
world.
"
【点滴环保,积跬步之势。
】
9.
"Protecting
endangered
species
is
not
just
a
moral
obligation,
it's
an
ecological
necessity.
"
【爱护动物,保护生态。
】
10.
"Sustainability
is
not
a
buzzword,
it's
a
way
of
life.
"
【可持续发展,生活方式。
】
11.
"We
must
learn
to
live
harmoniously
with
nature,
rather
than
trying
to
dominate
it.
"
【与自然共融,和谐相处。
】
12.
"Nature
provides
us
with
everything
we
need,
if
only
we
take
care
of
it.
"
【爱地球,从我做起。
】
13.
"Climate
change
is
real,
and
it's
up
to
us
to
take
action
to
protect
our
planet.
"
【气候变化,我们在行动。
】
14.
"Reducing
waste
and
conserving
resources
is
not
just
good
for
the
environment,
it's
also
good
for
our
wallets.
"
【减少浪费,共创绿色。
】
15.
"A
world
without
biodiversity
is
a
world
without
life.
"
【多样性保护,生命之根。
】
16.
"Nature
is
not
a
commodity
to
be
bought
and
sold,
but
a
priceless
gift
to
be
cherished.
"
【自然与我们同在,珍惜所拥有。
】
17.
"The
earth
is
not
ours,
we
are
just
borrowing
it
from
future
generations.
"
【尽己所能,为子孙后代留下美好家园。
】
18.
"Choosing
sustainable
products,
and
supporting
eco-friendly
businesses,
can
make
a
big
difference
to
the
environment.
"
【绿色消费,共建繁荣。
】
19.
"We
have
a
responsibility
to
protect
the
planet,
not
just
for
ourselves,
but
for
all
the
species
we
share
it
with.
"
【共同责任,为地球绿色发展保驾护航。
】
20.
"Let's
work
together
to
create
a
better
world,
one
that
is
sustainable,
equitable,
and
beautiful
for
everyone.
"
【共建美好明天,助力生态发展。
】