.jpg)
1.
"Traveling
for
work
doesn't
have
to
mean
sacrificing
the
joys
of
life.
"
【出差也能尽享生活的乐趣。
】
2.
"Explore
new
places,
taste
new
foods,
and
experience
new
cultures
while
on
business
trips.
"
【在出差中探访新地方,品尝新食物,体验新文化。
】
3.
"Don't
just
work
on
your
business
trips,
live
and
learn
as
well.
"
【出差不仅是工作,也是生活和学习的机会。
】
4.
"Business
meetings
can
be
productive
and
enjoyable
at
the
same
time.
"
【商务会议也可以兼顾效率和乐趣。
】
5.
"Business
travel
can
be
an
opportunity
for
personal
growth
and
self-discovery.
"
【出差也是个人成长和自我发现的机会。
】
6.
"Turn
your
business
trip
into
a
mini-vacation
and
make
the
most
of
your
time
away.
"
【把出差变成迷你假期,充分享受离开的时光。
】
7.
"Savor
the
moments
and
make
memories
on
your
business
trips.
"
【在出差中珍惜每一刻,留下难忘的回忆。
】
8.
"Work
hard,
play
hard,
and
make
the
most
of
your
business
trips.
"
【劳逸结合,充分利用出差的机会。
】
9.
"A
successful
business
trip
includes
both
professional
accomplishments
and
personal
satisfaction.
"
【一次成功的出差包括专业成就和个人满足。
】
10.
"Business
travel
can
be
a
great
way
to
connect
with
colleagues
and
build
relationships.
"
【出差也是与同事建立联系、建立关系的好方法。
】
11.
"Make
your
business
trip
an
adventure
and
embrace
the
unknown.
"
【让出差成为一次冒险,拥抱未知。
】
12.
"Business
travel
may
take
you
away
from
home,
but
it
can
also
bring
you
closer
to
yourself.
"
【出差虽然让你离家,但也可能让你更接近自己。
】
13.
"Traveling
for
work
can
be
a
way
to
break
out
of
your
comfort
zone
and
try
new
things.
"
【出差是走出舒适区,尝试新事物的好机会。
】
14.
"Take
time
to
relax
and
recharge
while
on
business
trips.
"
【出差时抽空放松和充电。
】
15.
"From
exotic
destinations
to
local
hotspots,
there
are
endless
opportunities
for
adventure
on
business
trips.
"
【从异国情调到本地热点,出差是无数冒险的机会。
】
16.
"Don't
let
work
consume
your
entire
business
trip,
take
time
to
enjoy
the
surroundings.
"
【不要让工作占据整个出差行程,抽空享受周围环境。
】
17.
"A
well-planned
business
trip
can
be
both
productive
and
enjoyable.
"
【规划良好的出差既能极富成效,又能令人愉悦。
】
18.
"Make
the
most
of
your
business
trip
by
trying
new
foods,
experiences,
and
more.
"
【通过品尝新食物、体验新事物等方式确保出差真正充实。
】
19.
"Even
on
business
trips,
it's
important
to
take
time
for
self-care
and
relaxation.
"
【即使在出差期间,也要尽量抽出时间自我照料和放松。
】
20.
"Travel
for
work,
stay
for
the
experiences.
"
【出差是工作之际,体验和感受才是重点。
】