.jpg)
1.
"Your
thoughts
create
your
reality,
so
choose
them
wisely.
"
【思想决定现实】
2.
"Your
mind
is
a
powerful
tool,
use
it
to
create
the
life
you
want.
"
【用思想创造自己想要的生活】
3.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
anything
is
possible.
"
【相信自己,一切皆有可能】
4.
"Your
beliefs
shape
your
perception
of
the
world,
so
make
sure
they're
positive.
"
【信念塑造你的世界观,务必它们积极】
5.
"A
positive
attitude
can
overcome
any
obstacle.
"
【积极的态度可以克服一切障碍】
6.
"The
power
of
the
mind
is
limitless,
use
it
to
achieve
great
things.
"
【思想的力量是无限的,用它来实现伟大的事情】
7.
"What
you
focus
on
expands,
so
focus
on
the
positive.
"
【你关注的会扩大,所以专注于积极的】
8.
"Your
thoughts
determine
your
actions,
so
think
before
you
act.
"
【你的思维决定你的行为,在做事之前三思】
9.
"If
you
can
imagine
it,
you
can
achieve
it.
"
【如果能够想象,就能够实现】
10.
"Don't
let
negative
thoughts
control
you,
take
control
of
them.
"
【不要让消极的思维控制你,掌握它们】
11.
"Your
mindset
can
make
or
break
you,
so
choose
the
right
mindset.
"
【正确的思维方式可以让你成功或者失败】
12.
"Positive
thinking
leads
to
positive
outcomes.
"
【积极的思维方式导致积极的结果】
13.
"What
you
believe
about
yourself
becomes
your
reality,
so
believe
in
your
greatness.
"
【你对自己的信念决定你的现实,相信自己的伟大】
14.
"Your
thoughts
are
the
building
blocks
of
your
destiny,
choose
them
wisely.
"
【你的思维方式是你命运的基石,选择它们明智】
15.
"Think
big,
act
big,
and
you'll
achieve
big.
"
【胸怀大志,大举行动,你就会迎来大成功】
16.
"Your
thinking
determines
your
behavior,
and
your
behavior
determines
your
success.
"
【你的思维方式决定你的行为,而你的行为决定你的成功】
17.
"The
key
to
success
is
a
positive
mindset.
"
【成功的关键是良好的思维方式】
18.
"Positive
thoughts
attract
positive
experiences.
"
【积极的思维方式吸引积极的经历】
19.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
you'll
be
unstoppable.
"
【相信自己,你就是无敌】
20.
"Your
thoughts
have
the
power
to
shape
your
future,
so
make
sure
they're
in
line
with
your
goals.
"
【思想具有塑造未来的力量,确保它们符合你的目标】