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1.
爱情是一种甜美的痛苦,让你欲罢不能【Love
is
a
sweet
agony
that
leaves
you
wanting
more.
】
2.
有时候,即使我们知道爱情有多么痛苦,我们仍然愿意付出一切去追求它【Sometimes
even
when
we
know
how
painful
love
can
be,
we
still
choose
to
chase
after
it
with
everything
we
have.
】
3.
爱情就像一场战斗,没有退路。
你必须全力以赴,即使你不知道结果会是什么样子【Love
is
like
a
battle
with
no
retreat.
You
must
fight
with
all
you've
got,
even
if
you
don't
know
what
the
outcome
will
be.
】
4.
爱情是一种极端的矛盾,在悲伤中藏有幸福,在幸福中却又隐含着悲伤【Love
is
an
extreme
contradiction,
with
sadness
hiding
happiness
and
happiness
hiding
sadness.
】
5.
爱情就像酷刑,让你难以呼吸但又无法自拔【Love
is
like
torture,
leaving
you
gasping
for
air
but
unable
to
break
free.
】
6.
我们都曾感受到过爱情的疼痛,但我们仍然在不停地回到它的怀抱里【We've
all
felt
the
pain
of
love,
yet
we
still
keep
going
back
into
its
arms.
】
7.
爱情是一种囚禁,但它也能给我们自由的感受【Love
is
imprisonment
but
it
can
also
give
us
a
sense
of
freedom.
】
8.
爱情是一种残酷的游戏,无论你赢了还是输了,都会留下深深的伤痕【Love
is
a
cruel
game,
leaving
deep
scars
whether
you
win
or
lose.
】
9.
爱情是一场长久的旅程,需要不断地奋斗和坚持【Love
is
a
long
journey
that
requires
constant
struggle
and
persistence.
】
10.
爱情有时候是一场赌博,你永远不知道你的赌注是否值得去冒险【Love
is
sometimes
a
gamble,
and
you
never
know
if
your
risk
is
worth
taking.
】
11.
爱情是一把双刃剑,你能感受到它的锋利却不知道它何时会反噬你自己【Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
where
you
can
feel
its
sharpness
but
never
know
when
it
will
hurt
you
too.
】
12.
爱情是一场火热的战斗,赢得的同时也把自己烧伤了【Love
is
a
passionate
battle
where
you
can
win
and
also
burn
yourself.
】
13.
爱情就像一条危险的河流,你必须小心慢慢地穿越它【Love
is
like
a
dangerous
river,
where
you
must
carefully
navigate
it.
】
14.
爱情是一张无形的网,让你无法逃脱【Love
is
an
invisible
net,
trapping
you
in
its
web.
】
15.
爱情是一种纯粹的疯狂,也是一种疯狂的纯粹【Love
is
a
pure
madness
and
a
mad
purity.
】
16.
爱情就是一种在你想逃跑的时候却让你更加深陷的引诱【Love
is
a
temptation
that
makes
you
more
trapped
when
you
want
to
run
away.
】
17.
爱情是一种奇怪的力量,它能让你充满勇气,也能让你弱不禁风【Love
is
a
strange
power
that
fills
you
with
courage
and
leaves
you
powerless.
】
18.
爱情只是一刹那的疯狂,但这种疯狂却可以影响你的一生【Love
is
a
moment
of
madness
but
that
madness
can
shape
your
whole
life.
】
19.
爱情就像一朵花,需要仔细地呵护和爱护【Love
is
like
a
flower,
needing
careful
nurturing
and
love.
】
20.
爱情是一种我们永远也无法避免的命运,让我们沉溺其中并享受它的美好【Love
is
a
fate
we
can
never
avoid,
and
it's
our
destiny
to
indulge
and
enjoy
its
beauty.
】