.jpg)
1.
"Love's
mistakes
cannot
be
undone;
they
are
the
colors
that
forever
stain
its
canvas.
"】
2.
"In
the
realm
of
love,
second
chances
are
merely
fantasies
we
cling
to.
"】
3.
"Time
cannot
rewind
the
broken
hearts
and
shattered
dreams
of
lost
love.
"】
4.
"Regret
lingers
in
the
wake
of
a
love
that
can
never
be
relived.
"】
5.
"Love
is
a
fragile
flame
that
cannot
be
reignited
once
extinguished.
"】
6.
"The
bittersweet
melody
of
love's
memories
plays
on,
but
we
can
never
go
back
to
its
beginning.
"】
7.
"Fate
weaves
a
tapestry
of
love
that
cannot
be
unraveled
and
rewoven.
"】
8.
"Like
a
shooting
star,
love
burns
bright
but
cannot
be
captured
and
returned
to
the
sky.
"】
9.
"We
cannot
reclaim
the
chapters
of
love
that
have
already
been
written
in
the
book
of
life.
"】
10.
"Love's
undoing
cannot
be
mended;
its
wounds
can
only
leave
scars
behind.
"】
11.
"The
sands
of
time
bury
the
footprints
of
love,
erasing
any
chance
of
retracing
our
steps.
"】
12.
"The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
its
impermanence;
we
must
cherish
what
we
once
had
without
longing
for
its
return.
"】
13.
"Love's
path
is
a
one-way
street;
there
are
no
u-turns
or
second
chances
to
be
found.
"】
14.
"With
every
sunrise,
love's
history
is
etched
deeper
into
our
souls,
forever
out
of
reach.
"】
15.
"Once
love's
flame
has
flickered
out,
no
amount
of
pleading
can
fan
it
back
to
life.
"】
16.
"Time's
hands
push
forward,
leaving
love's
remnants
behind,
forever
out
of
our
grasp.
"】
17.
"Love's
mistakes
are
permanent
souvenirs,
serving
as
reminders
of
our
hearts'
vulnerability.
"】
18.
"The
echoes
of
a
love
long
gone
can
never
be
heard
again;
they
fade
into
the
abyss
of
the
past.
"】
19.
"Love's
door
closes
firmly
behind
us,
forever
sealing
any
chance
of
turning
back.
"】
20.
"To
dwell
on
love's
impossibility
is
to
forfeit
the
opportunity
to
embrace
new
beginnings.
"】