.jpg)
1.
Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
does
not
envy,
it
does
not
boast,
it
is
not
proud.
【1
Corinthians
13:4】
2.
Two
are
better
than
one,
because
they
have
a
good
return
for
their
labor:
If
either
of
them
falls
down,
one
can
help
the
other
up.
But
pity
anyone
who
falls
and
has
no
one
to
help
them
up.
【Ecclesiastes
4:9-10】
3.
Set
me
as
a
seal
upon
your
heart,
as
a
seal
upon
your
arm;
for
love
is
strong
as
death,
passion
fierce
as
the
grave.
【Song
of
Solomon
8:6】
4.
Love
one
another
with
brotherly
affection.
Outdo
one
another
in
showing
honor.
【Romans
12:10】
5.
Above
all,
love
each
other
deeply,
because
love
covers
over
a
multitude
of
sins.
【1
Peter
4:8】
6.
new
command
give
you:
Love
one
another.
As
have
loved
you,
so
you
must
love
one
another.
【John
13:34】
7.
Love
does
no
harm
to
a
neighbor.
Therefore
love
is
the
fulfillment
of
the
law.
【Romans
13:10】
8.
Place
me
like
a
seal
over
your
heart,
like
a
seal
on
your
arm;
for
love
is
as
strong
as
death,
its
jealousy
unyielding
as
the
grave.
【Song
of
Solomon
8:6】
9.
Love
is
not
rude,
it
is
not
self-seeking,
it
is
not
easily
angered,
it
keeps
no
record
of
wrongs.
【1
Corinthians
13:5】
10.
And
above
all
things
have
fervent
charity
among
yourselves:
for
charity
shall
cover
the
multitude
of
sins.
【1
Peter
4:8】
11.
Hatred
stirs
up
conflict,
but
love
covers
over
all
wrongs.
【Proverbs
10:12】
12.
Be
completely
humble
and
gentle;
be
patient,
bearing
with
one
another
in
love.
【Ephesians
4:2】
13.
Love
your
neighbor
as
yourself.
【Mark
12:31】
14.
Many
waters
cannot
quench
love,
neither
can
floods
drown
it.
【Song
of
Solomon
8:7】
15.
Let
love
be
genuine.
Abhor
what
is
evil;
hold
fast
to
what
is
good.
【Romans
12:9】
16.
Beloved,
let
us
love
one
another:
for
love
is
of
God;
and
every
one
that
loveth
is
born
of
God,
and
knoweth
God.
【1
John
4:7】
17.
Therefore
what
God
has
joined
together,
let
no
one
separate.
【Mark
10:9】
18.
Husbands,
love
your
wives,
just
as
Christ
loved
the
church
and
gave
himself
up
for
her.
【Ephesians
5:25】
19.
My
beloved
is
mine,
and
am
his.
【Song
of
Solomon
2:16】
20.
So
God
created
man
in
his
own
image,
in
the
image
of
God
he
created
him;
male
and
female
he
created
them.
【Genesis
1:27】