.jpg)
1.
smile,
it's
contagious【】
2.
your
smile
could
brighten
someone's
day【】
3.
a
smile
costs
nothing,
but
it
means
everything【】
4.
a
smile
is
the
universal
language
of
kindness【】
5.
life
is
too
short
to
not
smile【】
6.
wear
a
smile
and
have
a
great
day【】
7.
a
smile
is
the
curve
that
sets
everything
straight【】
8.
smile,
it's
the
key
that
fits
the
lock
of
everybody's
heart【】
9.
a
smile
is
the
shortest
distance
between
two
people【】
10.
a
smile
is
the
prettiest
thing
you
can
wear【】
11.
let
us
always
meet
each
other
with
a
smile,
for
the
smile
is
the
beginning
of
love【】
12.
a
smiling
face
is
a
beautiful
face,
a
smiling
heart
is
a
peaceful
heart【】
13.
smile
at
strangers,
and
you
just
might
change
a
life【】
14.
every
time
you
smile
at
someone,
it
is
an
action
of
love,
a
gift
to
that
person,
a
beautiful
thing【】
15.
a
smile
is
the
light
in
your
window
that
tells
others
that
there
is
a
caring,
sharing
person
inside【】
16.
surround
yourself
with
people
who
make
you
smile【】
17.
start
every
day
with
a
smile
and
get
it
over
with【】
18.
a
smile
is
happiness
you'll
find
right
under
your
nose【】
19.
happiness
blooms
from
within,
as
reflected
in
your
smile【】
20.
let
your
smile
change
the
world,
but
don't
let
the
world
change
your
smile【】