1.
At
the
heart
of
environmentalism
lies
a
deep
love
and
respect
for
our
planet
and
all
the
living
beings
that
inhabit
it.
【环保必备】
2.
Choosing
sustainable
and
eco-friendly
products
can
have
a
hugely
positive
impact
on
our
environment
and
future
generations.
【彰显环保意识】
3.
The
choices
we
make
today
will
determine
the
state
of
the
world
we
leave
behind
for
generations
to
come.
Let's
choose
wisely!
【矢志环保】
4.
We
can
all
make
a
difference
by
taking
small
but
meaningful
actions
to
reduce
our
environmental
impact,
such
as
recycling,
conserving
water,
and
using
renewable
energy
sources.
【环保高手】
5.
Our
planet
is
a
precious
gem
that
deserves
our
utmost
care
and
protection.
Let's
work
together
to
ensure
a
healthy
and
sustainable
future
for
all.
【珍视地球】
6.
From
the
air
we
breathe
to
the
water
we
drink,
every
aspect
of
our
lives
is
connected
to
the
health
of
our
planet.
Let's
treat
it
with
the
respect
it
deserves.
【惜物环保】
7.
Environmental
stewardship
is
not
just
a
responsibility,
it's
an
opportunity
for
us
to
create
a
better
world
for
everyone.
【用心呵护】
8.
Every
single
person
has
the
power
to
make
positive
changes
in
the
world
around
us.
Let's
use
that
power
to
protect
and
preserve
our
planet.
【人人有责】
9.
The
beauty
and
wonder
of
nature
are
truly
awe-inspiring.
Let's
do
all
we
can
to
ensure
that
future
generations
can
experience
it
too.
【爱护自然】
10.
We
must
reject
the
throwaway
culture
that
dominates
our
world
and
adopt
a
more
sustainable
way
of
life.
Every
action
counts!
【倡导可持续】
11.
It's
time
to
think
beyond
the
convenience
of
the
moment
and
consider
the
impact
of
our
choices
on
the
world
around
us.
【环保至上】
12.
The
earth
provides
us
with
everything
we
need
to
survive
and
thrive.
Let's
give
back
by
protecting
its
natural
resources
and
ecosystems.
【保护赐予的恩惠】
13.
The
dangers
of
climate
change
and
environmental
degradation
are
real
and
urgent.
Let's
take
action
now
while
we
still
can.
【趁早保护】
14.
Our
children
and
grandchildren
are
counting
on
us
to
create
a
world
that
is
safe,
healthy,
and
sustainable.
Let's
not
let
them
down.
【为下一代】
15.
By
working
together,
we
can
create
a
world
that
is
not
just
environmentally
sustainable,
but
socially
and
economically
sustainable
too.
【合力致远】
16.
Environmentalism
is
about
more
than
just
saving
trees
and
animals.
It's
about
creating
a
more
equitable
and
just
world
for
all.
【环保公平】
17.
There
is
no
"Planet
B.
"
We
must
take
care
of
the
earth
we
have
and
ensure
that
it
remains
a
viable
home
for
all
living
beings.
【唯一家园】
18.
The
natural
world
is
full
of
beauty
and
wonder
that
is
beyond
measure.
Let's
do
all
we
can
to
protect
and
preserve
it
for
future
generations.
【珍爱大自然】
19.
We
have
the
tools
and
the
technology
to
solve
the
environmental
challenges
that
we
face.
Let's
use
them
to
create
a
better
world
for
all.
【技术保障环保】
20.
The
earth
is
not
just
a
resource
to
be
exploited,
but
a
living,
breathing
entity
that
deserves
our
care
and
respect.
Let's
treat
it
as
such.
【把地球当成生命】