1.
"The
rain
falls
softly,
as
if
it's
trying
not
to
disturb
the
peacefulness
of
the
world.
"
【美丽的雨落,如此柔和,宛如尝试不打扰世间的平和。
】
2.
"As
the
raindrops
tap
against
my
window,
I'm
reminded
of
how
fragile
life
can
be.
"
【雨滴敲打窗户,让我意识到生命的脆弱。
】
3.
"The
rain
is
nature's
way
of
healing
the
wounds
of
the
earth.
"
【雨是大自然愈合地球伤口的方式。
】
4.
"Each
raindrop
is
a
reminder
that
even
the
smallest
things
can
make
a
big
impact.
"
【每一滴雨都提醒人们,即便是最微小的事物也能带来巨大的影响。
】
5.
"The
scent
of
rain
is
like
a
symphony
for
the
senses.
"
【雨的气息如同一曲感官的交响乐。
】
6.
"Rain
is
a
reminder
that
sometimes
we
need
to
just
let
go
and
surrender
to
the
moment.
"
【雨是提醒人们有时候需要放手,顺其自然的时刻。
】
7.
"The
raindrops
dance
on
the
leaves
like
they're
whispering
secrets
to
the
trees.
"
【雨滴在叶片上翩跹起舞,仿佛在向树木与之分享秘密。
】
8.
"Rain
is
the
perfect
excuse
to
stay
in
and
indulge
in
some
self-care.
"
【雨是偷懒照顾自己的最佳借口。
】
9.
"Rainy
days
make
the
sun
seem
even
brighter
when
it
finally
shines
again.
"
【雨天使得太阳再次升起时更加的耀眼。
】
10.
"The
rain
cleanses
the
world,
washing
away
the
dirt
and
negativity.
"
【雨洗净世界,冲刷掉尘埃与负面情绪。
】
11.
"Raindrops
on
a
rooftop
create
the
most
soothing
lullaby.
"
【屋顶上雨滴的声音,形成了最令人放松的摇篮曲。
】
12.
"Rainy
days
encourage
us
to
slow
down
and
enjoy
the
simple
pleasures
in
life.
"
【雨天鼓励我们放慢脚步,享受生活中简单的愉悦。
】
13.
"The
rain
provides
nourishment
to
the
earth,
allowing
life
to
grow
and
flourish.
"
【雨水能够给地球提供营养,让生命得以生长和繁荣。
】
14.
"Rainy
days
are
a
reminder
that
beauty
can
be
found
even
in
the
darkest
moments.
"
【雨天是提醒人们即使在最黑暗的时刻也能找到美丽的存在。
】
15.
"Rain
represents
the
cleansing
of
the
old
and
the
birth
of
the
new.
"
【雨代表着旧的净化,新的诞生。
】
16.
"The
rain
fills
the
air
with
the
most
nostalgic
scent.
"
【雨滋润空气,带来最具怀旧感的气味。
】
17.
"Rainy
days
are
the
perfect
opportunity
to
cozy
up
with
a
good
book
and
a
cup
of
tea.
"
【雨天是与好书和一杯茶为伴的温馨时刻。
】
18.
"The
sound
of
rain
is
like
a
song
that
nature
writes
for
us.
"
【雨声如大自然为我们谱写的歌曲。
】
19.
"Rainy
days
are
a
chance
to
appreciate
the
beauty
in
the
ordinary.
"
【雨天是欣赏平凡事物美感的机会。
】
20.
"The
rain
is
like
a
work
of
art,
creating
a
new
masterpiece
with
each
drop.
"
【雨就像一件艺术品,每一滴都在创造着新的杰作。
】