.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
too
complicated,
so
choose
to
simplify
my
life.
"
【#dontwanttofallinlove】
2.
"Being
single
doesn't
mean
you're
alone,
it
means
you
enjoy
your
own
company.
"
【#singleandhappy】
3.
"I'd
rather
have
a
pet
than
a
partner
because
pets
always
love
you
unconditionally.
"
【#petsarebetterthanlovers】
4.
"My
heart
is
not
a
playground
for
love,
it's
a
sanctuary
for
my
soul.
"
【#protectingmyheart】
5.
"Romance
is
overrated,
self-love
is
underrated.
"
【#selfloveisthebestlove】
6.
"Love
is
not
a
priority
in
my
life,
happiness
is.
"
【#happinessoverlove】
7.
"I
don't
need
someone
to
complete
me,
I'm
already
whole
on
my
own.
"
【#independentwomen】
8.
"Falling
in
love
is
easy,
staying
in
love
is
hard.
don't
have
time
for
hard.
"
【#dontwanttowasteenergyonlove】
9.
"Love
is
a
risk
I'm
not
willing
to
take.
"
【#fearofgettinghurt】
10.
"My
heart
is
not
a
revolving
door
for
love.
"
【#notlookingforlove】
11.
"I'm
not
anti-love,
I'm
pro-self.
"
【#proself】
12.
"I
don't
need
love
to
validate
my
worth.
"
【#knowmyworth】
13.
"I'm
happy
being
me,
don't
need
someone
else
to
be
happy.
"
【#happysolitude】
14.
"Love
is
not
my
purpose
in
life,
my
purpose
is
to
live
fully.
"
【#livingmybestlife】
15.
"I'd
rather
be
single
and
happy
than
in
a
relationship
and
miserable.
"
【#qualityoverquantity】
16.
"Being
alone
is
not
the
same
as
being
lonely.
"
【#enjoyingmysolitude】
17.
"I
don't
want
to
be
in
love,
want
to
be
in
peace.
"
【#peacefulmind】
18.
"I'm
not
looking
for
a
fairytale
ending,
I'm
creating
my
own
story.
"
【#writingmyownstory】
19.
"Love
is
not
the
answer
to
all
my
problems,
self-improvement
is.
"
【#growthmindset】
20.
"I
don't
need
someone
else's
love
to
feel
complete,
I'm
already
whole
on
my
own.
"
【#selfcompleted】