.jpg)
1.
"Flowing
through
this
month
with
grace
and
ease"
【#月经期正能量#】
2.
"Embracing
my
body
and
its
natural
rhythms"
【#身体健康#】
3.
"Taking
this
time
to
rest
and
recharge"
【#自我保护#】
4.
"Honoring
the
cycle
of
life
and
fertility"
【#女性力量#】
5.
"Finding
beauty
in
the
ebb
and
flow
of
my
period"
【#自然之美#】
6.
"Celebrating
my
femininity
and
all
that
it
entails"
【#女性荣耀#】
7.
"Grateful
for
the
ability
to
bring
life
into
the
world"
【#感恩生命#】
8.
"Listening
to
my
body
and
giving
it
what
it
needs"
【#健康自由#】
9.
"Proud
to
be
a
woman
and
to
experience
this
cycle
of
life"
【#女性自豪#】
10.
"Reflecting
on
the
power
of
nature
and
its
influence
on
my
body"
【#自然奇妙#】
11.
"Finding
comfort
in
the
support
of
my
sisters
and
my
community"
【#团结一心#】
12.
"Empowering
myself
through
knowledge
about
my
body
and
its
functions"
【#自我赋能#】
13.
"Honoring
the
diversity
of
experiences
that
women
go
through
during
their
period"
【#多元化#】
14.
"Trusting
my
body
and
the
process
that
it
is
going
through"
【#信任自己#】
15.
"Appreciating
the
symbolism
of
this
time
of
the
month
and
its
connection
to
the
lunar
cycle"
【#月亮之美#】
16.
"Taking
care
of
my
emotional
and
spiritual
well-being
during
this
time"
【#全面呵护#】
17.
"Loving
my
body
and
showing
it
gratitude
for
all
that
it
does"【#感恩之心#】
18.
"Honoring
the
ancestral
wisdom
of
women
and
their
connection
to
the
earth"
【#传统智慧#】
19.
"Embracing
the
discomfort
and
using
it
as
a
form
of
transformation
and
growth"
【#舒适成长#】
20.
"Celebrating
the
power
of
the
feminine
and
the
magic
that
it
brings"
【#女性魅力#】