1.
There
is
a
breeze
that
carries
the
scent
of
summer
flowers.
【感受清爽自然之美】
2.
There
will
always
be
a
hint
of
magic
in
those
unexpected
moments.
【珍惜生命中的那些突如其来的奇妙时刻】
3.
There
are
moments
where
silence
feels
like
the
loudest
sound.
【宁静在某些时刻是最响亮的声音】
4.
There
will
be
times
where
the
only
thing
that
can
save
us
is
our
own
strength.
【我们的力量有时是自救的唯一途径】
5.
There
is
beauty
in
even
the
darkest
of
days,
we
just
have
to
find
it.
【即便在最灰暗的日子,美也依然存在,只是需要我们去寻找】
6.
There
may
be
storms
ahead,
but
there
will
also
be
rainbows.
【或许会有风暴,但也会有彩虹】
7.
There
is
a
kind
of
freedom
that
comes
with
accepting
yourself
completely.
【接受自己是一种自由】
8.
There
will
always
be
a
road
that
leads
to
somewhere
new,
we
just
have
to
take
that
first
step.
【一条新路总是会有的,我们只需踏出第一步】
9.
There
is
something
magical
about
the
stars
that
light
up
the
night
sky.
【夜空万物之中佳】
10.
There
will
be
moments
where
our
hearts
will
feel
like
they've
shattered
into
a
million
pieces.
But
we'll
pick
ourselves
up
and
put
them
back
together
again.
【心会碎成千万个坠落,但我们可以拾起并重新组装】
11.
There
is
a
warmth
in
the
embrace
of
someone
who
loves
us
unconditionally.
【纯爱是那么温暖,令人动容】
12.
There
will
be
times
when
we
feel
lost,
but
we
must
remember
that
the
stars
will
always
guide
us
home.
【我们可能会迷失方向,但星星会指引我们回家】
13.
There
is
a
kind
of
love
that
feels
like
home.
【有一种爱是家的感觉】
14.
There
will
always
be
moments
where
we
need
to
let
go,
and
trust
that
the
universe
has
a
plan
for
us.
【有时候,我们需要放手并信任宇宙会给我们安排最好的安排】
15.
There
is
something
magical
about
the
way
music
can
transport
us
to
another
world.
【音乐有种特殊的魔力,它会把我们带到另一个世界】
16.
There
will
be
people
who
come
into
our
lives
and
change
us
forever.
【有些人会进入我们的生命然后永远改变我们】
17.
There
is
beauty
in
the
way
the
sunlight
dances
on
the
water.
【阳光在水面上跳动的美丽景象】
18.
There
will
be
moments
where
we
feel
like
we're
standing
on
the
edge
of
a
cliff,
but
we
must
have
faith
that
we'll
be
able
to
fly.
【有时候我们会站在悬崖边,但我们必须相信我们会飞起来】
19.
There
is
a
kind
of
peace
that
comes
with
being
surrounded
by
nature.
【置身大自然中令人内心平静的感觉】
20.
There
will
always
be
a
glimmer
of
hope
in
even
the
bleakest
of
situations.
【即便在最黑暗的拐角,也会存在一丝希望的曙光】