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1.
Friends
are
like
stars,
they
come
and
go
but
the
true
ones
stay
like
a
glowing
ember.
【友情犹如星辰,来去如风,但真正的朋友却像闪烁不灭的余烬。
】
2.
true
friend
is
someone
who
sees
the
pain
in
your
eyes
while
everyone
else
believes
the
smile
on
your
face.
【真正的朋友就是会在你脸上露出甜美微笑时,发现你眼底的痛苦。
】
3.
In
life,
we
never
lose
friends,
we
only
learn
who
the
true
ones
are.
【在人生中,我们从不会失去朋友,只是逐渐认清谁才是真正的朋友。
】
4.
Friends
are
like
rainbows,
they
brighten
up
your
life
when
you’ve
been
through
a
storm.
【朋友就像彩虹般,当你在暴风雨中行走时,他们照亮了你的生活。
】
5.
true
friend
is
someone
who
stays
by
your
side
when
the
rest
of
the
world
walks
away.
【真正的朋友就是在全世界都离你而去时,仍然陪伴在你身边的人。
】
6.
friend
is
someone
who
knows
the
song
in
your
heart
and
can
sing
it
back
to
you
when
you
have
forgotten
the
words.
【朋友就是那个知道你内心深处的歌曲,并在你忘记了歌词时唱给你听的人。
】
7.
The
most
beautiful
discovery
true
friends
make
is
that
they
can
grow
separately
without
growing
apart.
【真正友谊最美妙的发现就是,即使我们也有各自的发展,但彼此间照样不会疏远。
】
8.
friend
is
someone
who
reaches
for
your
hand,
but
touches
your
heart.
【朋友不仅是帮你伸出手,更是让你感觉到她的真心。
】
9.
Walking
with
a
friend
in
the
dark
is
better
than
walking
alone
in
the
light.
【黑暗中有友相伴,比光明中独行更令人温馨。
】
10.
True
friends
are
never
apart,
maybe
in
distance
but
never
in
heart.
【真正的朋友永远不会远离,即使距离遥远,心却始终紧紧相连。
】
11.
Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves.
【朋友是我们为自己选择的家人。
】
12.
true
friend
sees
the
first
tear,
catches
the
second,
and
stops
the
third.
【真正的朋友看到你的第一滴泪,抓住第二滴,避免第三滴。
】
13.
It’s
not
about
who
is
real
to
your
face,
it’s
about
who
stays
real
behind
your
back.
【重要的不是谁在你面前是真实的,而是谁在你背后依旧坚守真实。
】
14.
friend
is
someone
who
makes
your
problems
their
problems,
just
so
you
don’t
have
to
go
through
them
alone.
【朋友就是那个将你的问题视为自己的问题,只是为了你不必孤单面对。
】
15.
True
friendship
is
trading
your
secrets
for
their
laughter.
【真正的友谊就是用你的秘密来换取彼此的欢笑。
】
16.
Friendship
is
not
about
being
inseparable,
it’s
about
being
separated
and
nothing
changes.
【友谊不在于不可分割,而是即使分开了也没改变什么。
】
17.
friend
who
understands
your
tears
is
much
more
valuable
than
a
lot
of
friends
who
only
know
your
smile.
【一个懂得在你眼泪中寻找你真实情感的朋友,远比许多只认识你笑容的朋友更珍贵。
】
18.
true
friend
is
someone
who
is
there
for
you
when
they’d
rather
be
anywhere
else.
【真正的朋友就是当他们宁愿待在任何其他地方时,还陪伴着你。
】
19.
friend
is
someone
who
can
brighten
your
day
with
a
simple
hello.
【朋友就是能用简单的问候让你的日子变得更加温暖的人。
】
20.
Never
let
your
friends
feel
lonely,
disturb
them
all
the
time.
【永远不要让你的朋友感到孤独,要时刻打扰他们。
】